Countries/Guidelines for teams
From WikiEducator
The country page is a national node for WikiEducator related activities in a given country. The country page is a place:
- to list and coordinate national WikiEducator initiatives;
- to foster and promote local identity within a global community;
- for local WikiEducators to meet and identify themselves;
- for national sub-teams to convene within a given country;
- There are no prescribed procedures or regulations for organising country or community nodes;
- There is no limit to the number of national, regional or local community WikiEducator teams that may constitute themselves - as a wiki community we encourage diversity and respect the interests of different groups. National teams and sub-teams may congregate around a wide range of shared objectives by sector, level, interest group etc. Ideally, each national sub-team should link to the relevant page for their country;
Achieving Sustainable Growth
- We encourage each country or community to develop their own structures and procedures to promote sustainable growth of the WikiEducator community in their respective country;
- Put a link to your Active Projects on WE's Master List of Projects page.
- Develop a Content Page for your country and/or community. For example, see Content and Projects on Community Media
- Categorise your pages wherever possible. Each country has its own category, as do specific educational topics. There is a list of categories (similar to 'tags'). See the instructions and syntax for creating categories.
Maintaining & Promoting Your Pages
- We recommend that national volunteers identify and assign specific roles for maintaining and promoting your country or community pages, for example:
- A national convenor for setting up an maintaining your country or community page on a regular basis;
- National / community WikiEducator Ambassadors;
- A national / community reporter for keeping national news up to date on your country or communty page;
- A technical advisor to assist innovative wiki page layouts for your national, regional, local or community page;
- Other roles as required
- National cultural allegiance to Global Citizenship. see Dr. Ramakrishnan's User Page, India