National convenor
From WikiEducator
[hide]What is a national convenor for WikiEducator?
A national convenor is a person who takes initiative to convene, coordinate and promote WikiEducator activities at the country level. They update their country page on a regular basis. They encourage citizens to join existing projects and facilitate the establishment of new country-based projects - on WikiEducator.What do national convenors for WikiEducator do?
National convenors for WikiEducator assist in the realisation of our strategy by promoting activities which:
- updates and maintain your country or community page on a regular basis.
- enables citizens to connect and communicate with each other on national WikiEducator projects.
- seeding and nurturing national WikiEducator teams
How should I use the country page in WikiEducator?
The country page is a national node for WikiEducator related activities in a given country. The country page is a place:
- to list and coordinate national WikiEducator initiatives;
- to foster and promote local identity within a global community;
- for local WikiEducators to meet and identify themselves;
- for national sub-teams to convene within a given country;
List of national convenors for WikiEducator
Are there other ways in which I can help WikiEducator achieve its goals?
Yes. You can help us in variety of ways. Please see the WikiEducator Roles page.