Computer Basics/Printing/Printing files

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Printing files

The specific steps involved in printing a file depend on the operating system on the computer and the type of file that is to be printed. This describes the steps for printing a Microsoft Word document or Excel spreadsheet; many of these concepts can be applied to printing any file.

  1. Locate a file which has been saved on the computer.
  2. Double click on the file to open.
  3. The file will now appear on your screen.
  4. Select the Microsoft Office Button in 2007 or File Button in 2010.
  5. Select Print.
  6. Click OK.

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Portfolio Activity

Please note: If you are completing the assessment for this course, then you need to complete this portfolio activity.

  • Print out a single page from four different software applications. For example choose any four from the following: a word document, spreadsheet, email, image, powerpoint, publisher file.

  • Then use a digital camera, video recorder or smart phone to record the following features for assessment:

Produce a clear image of each printed file.

This is an example of images used to show a printed word documentPDF down.png.

Save your images or recording and add it to your assessment portfolio.

PC 2780 3.1