Care and Support

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Support from family, friends and communities is associated with better health. Such social support networks could be very important in helping people solve problems and deal with adversity. This support can act as a buffer against health problems. This is very important information to consider when looking at the best practices for care and support of bipolar disorder. We know that there is no cure for bipolar disorder but great advances have been made in the treatment of bipolar disorder in recent years. These advances have assisted in supporting people with bipolar disorder in the community. Caring for people with bipolar disorder is often done by family and friends. One important fact to remember about bipolar disorder is that best practice has been shown to utilize individualized treatment and care – each person is a unique individual and should be thought of as one. One of the reviewers of this website (who has bipolar disorder themselves) said that it was those who showed no judgment and treated them “normally” who helped the most. Those people who acknowledged that this person had bipolar disorder but assisted in looking for the best recovery this person could make was the most supportive.

The following four areas may be helpful to review regarding the care and support of a loved one with bipolar disorder:

Social Support


Collaborative Care

Healthy Lifestyle

Question and Answer Section

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1) Social support

2) Education

3) Collaborative Care

4) Healthy Lifestyle


These resources may be helpful when looking at the area of care and support for bipolar disorder.

Go to Care and Support Resources

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