Healthy Lifestyle

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Incorporating consistency and stability into one’s life has already been discussed throughout this website. It is a well-researched fact that people with bipolar disorder do better with consistency, whether it is taking medications or consistency in daily life routines. Having a healthy lifestyle and balance in one’s life is very important. In order to develop consistent routines personal factors of what works and what doesn’t work for an individual must be learned.

There are many practical suggestions that can be found when looking at healthy lifestyle changes. In Canada, Canada’s Food Guide and the Physical Activity Guide give great suggestions for improving one’s lifestyle. These documents can be found on Health Canada’s webpage ( of the Public Health Agency of Canada ( . A stable routine is a great way for you to have a stable relationship with your loved one as well as being an effective treatment for bipolar disorder symptoms. Many suggestions are offered in the question and answer section for developing a consistent routine. The Canadian Mental Health Association has produced a pamphlet titled “10 Tips for Mental Health”.

10 Tips.JPG


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