CCNC/CCNC Module 7/Web Searching/Preparation

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Tutorial.png Web Searching 

Using a Search Engine | Preparation | Printing | Self Assessment | Summary

Section 2- Preparation

Icon objectives.jpg


In this section we will:
  • Understand and distinguish between Internet and the World Wide Web

Preview a Web Page

Previewing a web page will enable you to see what it will look like when printed.

  1. File->Print Preview.

Screen shot

  1. Scroll through the pages.
  2. Click Close to return to the normal Mozilla window.

Changing Web Page Orientation: Portrait, Landscape and Paper Size

Change page orientation

Portrait printing refers to print which is across the width of a sheet of paper. This is the normal method of printing. If a web page is very wide, then it is best to print in landscape. In Landscape printing is across the length of the page.

  1. File->Page Setup.
  2. Click the Format & Options tab.

Screen shot

  1. Select the orientation, portrait or landscape
  2. Change the Scale, if you wish.
  3. Set the Options, if you wish.
  4. Click OK.

Change paper size

The paper size is set when you do the actual printing.

  1. File->Print.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Set the Paper size.

Screen shot

  1. Click OK

Changing Web page Margins Top, Bottom, Left, Right

  1. File->Page Setup.
  2. Click the Margins & Header/Footer tab.

Screen shot

  1. Set the margins.
  2. Click OK.

You can also set the headers and footers using this dialogue. Certain defaults are supplied by Mozilla as shown on the following screen. Need NOTE image in front of bold text above