Warrington School/Board Of Trustees/Appraisal

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  • To evaluate each staff member’s performance against pre-defined objectives to identify successes, achievements and aspects requiring development. *Information obtained from appraisals provides the basis for decisions about priorities for professional support and development to follow procedures that comply with school Performance Management protocols


  • School-based framework operates within an integrated staff management and curriculum planning framework which focuses on the needs of the school, staff and wider community, and which is prepared in consultation between board and staff.
  • Appraisal procedures are consistent with principles of openness, professional advancement, confidentiality and helpfulness to individual staff members.
  • The Board Chairperson is responsible to the board for the appraisal of all other staff in a manner consistent with this policy. The Principal may delegate appraiser duties to senior staff while still being ultimately responsible to the board.
  • Every permanent member of staff is appraised annually. The Board Chairperson and the Principal will formally report to the board each year that they have administered appraisals in accordance with this policy.
  • Individual appraisal documents are confidential to the staff member and the appraiser (including the Principal), and no part of that document may be made available or divulged in any way to another party without the written and signed consent of the staff member and appraiser (including the Principal).
  • Every permanent staff member has a job description containing objectives that form the basis for performance appraisal in relation to teaching, school-wide and management responsibilities. Job descriptions may be revised from time to time subject to approval being given by the board to any changes made.
  • Additional to job description objectives, one or more annual development objectives are mutually agreed between the Chairperson and Principal/Principal and each staff member, along with a written statement of the assistance or support to be given. Development objectives are included in the appraisals and professionall standards incorporated.
  • The appraisal process requires that:
  1. Each staff member conducts an independent self-appraisal by rating and noting performance in relation to job description and development objectives. Performance will be marked on a profile as HIGH ACHIEVEMENT, ACHIEVED, DEVELOPMENT NEEDED.
  2. The appraiser independently marks and notes performance of the staff member in relation to the same job description and development objectives, ensuring that decisions are formed after suitable observation of teaching.
  3. The appraiser and appraisee meet together to discuss and compare their respective views and ratings of performance and to decide on an agreed rating for each performance objectives, taking account of all available evidence to support the decisions. Where agreement cannot be reached, this is noted, along with reasons. The appraiser’s copy of the appraisal document is the official report which is to be signed by the appraiser (and Principal) and staff member to verify the completion of the process the appraiser and Principal and staff member shall each have a copy of the completed report.
  • Each year each staff member receives opportunities and support for undertaking personal professional development and improvement. A record is kept of each staff member’s professional development programme and the support provided


  1. This policy will be reviewed according to the Board’s self review timetable.
  2. All changes can be tracked via this wiki history tab.


  • NathanP 03:44, 15 October 2010 (UTC)