User talk:Grian/courseplanningpage/Course description

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback206:33, 24 April 2015
congratulations!322:33, 23 April 2015
comment122:18, 22 April 2015
Great course description121:13, 22 April 2015

Hello Grian,

Your course description is so interesting and well-organized. When I started ds4oer, I was focussed on learning the 'how to' tech aspects of delivering an open course and hadn't planned on actually creating one myself. But your strong, clear stance on critical thinking about democratic process helped me develop my own idea for a potential micro online course. Thanks for the inspiration!

When I reviewed your blueprint and Marc's course development docs I was struck by the emphasis on empathy in both of your courses. It's a focus in my course design too (although I haven't yet posted my storyboard and outline). It's heartening to know that others see empathy as a crucial need in our times - it always was important, now it's critical.

I took the liberty of making a few typo edits – if that's annoying to you, I won't do it again!

Best, Donna

donnaquayote (talk)17:07, 23 April 2015

Hi Donna, Thank you so much for correcting my edition. What a surprise that someone has bothered to perfect my bad English! :D Thank you very much! I'm happy that my work had inspired you. And, yes, we urgently need to instill empathy in our world in these times. Our world is in hands of a bunch of financial brokers and, according to comments from people who have been working in these environments, they have absolutely no empathy. In fact, they say that most of them are real sociopaths, even some of them psychopaths. So we need to compensate in a way or another, isn't? Now I will see your course description. I'm sure it will be so interesting. Thank you a lot, Donna, for your kind comments and for correcting my page. All the best, Grian

Grian (talk)21:23, 23 April 2015

Hi Grian, Your English is very good ... and much better than my Spanish! Noticing detail is an occupational hazard for instructional designers. There were just a few typos and I thought there was a word missing in one place - but after rethinking it I'm not sure if I'm clear on what you meant in your last learning outcome:

  • Developing an autonomous work and learning

I added the word perspective to make a complete sentence. But on 2nd thought, if you meant the learning outcome to be more active, then you could say: Developing autonomous work and learning. That sounds more in keeping with your work than a mere perspective ;-)

You may have seen the film The Corporation – which is an analytical and even legal confirmation of the psychopathy in action. [[1]]

donnaquayote (talk)06:33, 24 April 2015


Hi Grian, I'm really impressed with what you've put together and am interested in the topic as I am part of a small team at the University of Wollongong (one hour south of Sydney, in Australia) putting together a Graduate Certificate in Global Citizenship, and one of our subjects has some interesting overlaps with your global issues and globalisation theories topics. I have forwarded a link to your Planning page to the subject co-ordinator and will see what she says. FYI we are currently running our first fully online accredited (by the university) semester long course called "Model United Nations" and there is some material there about the History of the UN that speaks to international relations history and theory - similar terrain. Over the next month we are running the actual Model United Nations eSimulation, giving students a chance to act as diplomats representing a country in a debate on a topic that is current in the UN. Thanks Sarah Lambert

Slambert (talk)13:16, 22 April 2015

Thank you a lot, Sarah. :D Yes, it seems we have many common points. It would be wonderful if I can collaborate with you in one way or another. I hope to have enough time, because I'm in these moments working hard with my PhD research. I want to finish it before the end of this year. About the MUN, when do you intend to run this course? It seems interesting, and a very creative and original idea. Thanks for you comment and your kind words. Grian

Grian (talk)21:24, 22 April 2015

Hi again Grian, yes the MUN course is running now, and we are in week 7 of a 13 week course. You can see it here and if you go to the page "Link to students tweets and blogs' you can also peruse some of the work the students have posted. Most of the students are doing this as enrolled students face to face. However we have a handful of students studying for free/open online - but they are happy 'free range learning' their way through the content, and are not really doing the blogging and tweeting activities. Which i am finding interesting, as it was for them that we designed them in. But in fact, the face to face students are raving about this digitally rich subject! All good i suppose!

Slambert (talk)13:56, 23 April 2015

Hi Sarah, I've seen some of the students tweets and blogs in MUN page. It seems an exciting course, and you are talking and debating about all those issues which our governments are not dealing properly... or not dealing at all. I was involved as an activist, in 2011 and 2012, in the Spanish Indignados Movement (the forerunner of Occupy Wall Street). That was a powerful experience about making politics from the other side, from the grassroot-participatory democracy (you can see a video I edited about this for English speaking people, in, with English subtitles). It would be nice to introduce this debate (the participatory democracy from grassroot people) in an environment like the United Nations. As you probably know, the push and perspectives of our Indignados Movement have taken shape in a new party, Podemos, which is threatening the supremacy of the two main parties in Spain. In fact, surveys say they are the first party in vote intention for the next general election (November 2015). Perhaps next year I can participate as a student in your MUN course. It seems amazing.

Grian (talk)22:33, 23 April 2015

I enjoy the overall design and layout of the course. I really don't have much critical input. I like the image you selected and feel like it does a good job of introducing the major design elements of the course.

Mwatkins (talk)03:25, 21 April 2015

Thanks Marc. I hope this course works well and have the chance to repeat. This is a test for WEA Scotland, a test for me and a test for this kind of courses. If don't works, I probably will not have continuity. Thank you very much for your comment.

Grian (talk)21:28, 22 April 2015

Great course description

Hi Grain,

I'm duly impressed with your course description - clearly you have been thinking about this for some time. As a surrogate learner - I know what I will learn and feel you have triggered my interest to want to register.

Well done!

Mackiwg (talk)16:26, 22 April 2015

Thanks Wayne. :D This encourages me a lot.

Grian (talk)21:13, 22 April 2015