User:Vtaylor/Computers and Society/CIS2 Winter 2019/CIS2 Group Projects/Group 3

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Jasmine Alvarez

Sidney Atchazo

Zachrie Duldulao

Jun Jie

Diane Wong

Long Le

Jonathan Martinez


Group 3 "Best" resources

1. Introductions

  1. The totality of social relationships among humans.
  2. A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture.

(Jasmine Alvarez)

How many people share names?

There are 62,436 people in the U.S. with the first name Jasmine. There are 39 people in the U.S. named Jasmine Alvarez. There is a Business Development Manager at Job Source North America, ABA Therapist, B.S. Aerospace Engineering Student, and me just to name few. I have never met anyone with the same name as me before. Due to only having 39 woman with the same exact name as me, the chances of meeting them is very low. (Jasmine Alvarez)

I found out that there are 2 people in the U.S. who name is Long Le. I also found out that there are 6,573 people in the U.S. who have the first name Long. (Long Le)

There is less than 1,643 people in the U.S. has the same first name(Jun Jie) as mine, My last name(Lai) is not quite popular in the U.S. as it is ranked 2148. Although there is a popular Singaporean singer that has the same first name, but our last name is not the same, I think most people know him by his stage name, JJ Lin.(Jun Jie)

Technology innovation:

New technology used within the educational system. Technology is innovative and popular does not make it an educational technology. This article goes in depth on how education and technology can join forces. As we have learned in this class technology can go a long way within education. Many of use haven't even interacted face-to-face, we simple have communicated though the web. (Jasmine Alvarez)

  1. To examine the capabilities and uses of the Internet through computers and cellular communications, and how they are changing the world around use by schools, business, social aspects and politics (Zachrie Duldulao)

Online Community Service:  (Long Le)

The LibriVox is a volunteer organization that record chapters of books in the public domain, and then release the audio files. back onto the net for free. All of their audio is in the public domain, so you may use it for whatever purpose you wish. The LibriVox sees itself as a library of audiobooks so people can listen to it whenever they want. (Jun Jie)

Warm Up America (WUA) is a non-profit organization that is aimed to help people that are less fortunate than us. Everyone can volunteer by knitting afghans or other knitted item that keep the person warm and donate it to the organization (although there is a small amount of shipping fee). Volunteer are able to learn how to knit at the same time. This organization will then donate those knitted items to various communities and social service agencies upon request.

Computers and Society Websites: (Jonathan Martinez)

This article talks about how fake a lot of the internet has become. The internet has become full of fake companies, fake content, even fake people (bots). It is becoming hard to distinguish what is real on the internet from what is fake. For example, on YouTube, content creators are driven to gain views on their videos to gain money or notoriety. However, many of these views can actually be bought with money ($15 gets you as much as 5,000 "fake" views). Amazon opens up a whole world for resellers to buy from other resellers and then reselling the product again for higher prices. Even Facebook has been caught inflating their metrics of video views and traffic. The article gives some more examples but this all leads to the realization that authenticity is becoming less and less important in a metrics-driven internet. (Diane Wong) Wong)

These two articles are related to the fake user account on the social media. The first article was the estimated number of fake/duplicated account in 2012. The second article is about a popular Instagram "influencer" that has over 1.5 million followers. The model was generated by computer graphic, fashion and marketing team.

I first heard about the news about the Instagram "influencer" about a two weeks ago. Since then, I keep on thinking whether how much of the contents that were posted on the social media are indeed genuine.

Social media has huge impact on our daily lives, from connecting with friends, meeting new people/people similar to our interest group. It even can influence our opinion & view on different topics.

For example, if I decide to buy a vacuum cleaner, I will go on to websites like YouTube to look at reviews before I make my decision. My view towards this topic is that we should stay vigilant/critical on the information and analyze them prior to forming our opinion. Duldulao)

This article goes in depth about how Ethnics communities across the US have struggled to get up to speed with common technology, whether due to the social or economical status. Many factors could be subjected but in uncommon areas like central America, technology is not as rampant as like New York or The Bay Area where are children are raised in this environment. my question to you all is. (Jun Jie)

As most people who has access to the internet knew what is fake news, but do we exactly know what is fake news? Fake news has been influenced and confused many of the people in society and caused a mess in politics. This article is about the origin of fake news, how fake news influence the society and how to spot fake news. (Sidney Atchazo)

This article "Musicians Have Now Used Artificial Intelligence to Master Millions of Songs", talks about how artists are using this AI to mix and master their songs to make their songs sound more clear and less like a train wreck. Usually a person would do this, Do you think Artificial Intelligence can take over the world replacing humans to do the work for us and do you think this would cause problems in the world? This had a great discussion going talking about how AI can take over the world, but humans ultimately have the intelligence to make sure that including them into our daily lives is possible.

Selected Media - Society: (Jonathan Martinez)

This article covers an interesting topic about the distinction between having a real presence on the internet (being a "resident") or simply using the internet as a tool (being a "visitor"). While I agree with some of the observations the article makes, I feel like more and more the line between a "resident" and a "visitor" is becoming blurred. I think that these days a "visitor" to the internet is going to have some kind of presence on the internet whether they even intentionally seek one out or not. Just by using services on the internet, a "visitor" is leaving a digital footprint. Basically we are seeing that most users of the internet are "residents" in some form, even if they only see the internet as a tool. (Jun Jie)

One of the article is about the Sustainable Development Goals for a better future for all. There were 17 goals and these goals are interconnect to each other, these goals are hoped to achieve by 2030. One of the goals, "Quality Education", is to provide ALL youth and children education to ensure the well-beings can develop skills to change their current situations.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech

One's Personal information may be at risk because of technology. Controlling online publication has an important new meaning in cyberspace.People's personal information may be at risk, and could be in the public's eye. It’s to find your phone number and address using one of the online services.(Jasmine Alvarez)

  • Privacy represents an important area of society that is being impacted by computers. Just Google for your favorite recording artist or movie star. They don't have much privacy - there are pictures of them everywhere. Their personal information is very public.
  • Freedom of speech takes on new meaning in cyberspace. While it is possible for repressive regimes to control print and broadcast media, it is much more difficult to control online publication. This is especially true when the source of the information is outside the jurisdiction of those endeavoring to control speech. 
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims primarily to give control to European Union citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU.

Privacy: Does privacy exist when using technology?

2-Factor authentication: (Diane Wong)

2-factor authentication uses 2 forms of authentication to verify user’s identification, rather than based solely on username/password traditionally. This is a significant step in protecting internet user data privacy.

Phishing: (Diane Wong)

This website describes Google’s effort to test whether user can identify phishing emails. Phishing is a form of cybercrime of which the victims are targeted by email, telephone or text message by sources that pretend to be legit.  Phishing can result in privacy data loss and/or identify thief. This is closely related to this class because we encounter with these mediums almost on daily basis.

Freedom of Speech:

Privacy Act: (Long Le)

This article talks about how America needs a new privacy law because the government is misusing the personal data which violating the Privacy Act of 1974. The missing of privacy agency is still a gaping hole in American law. People privacy are getting revealed without their permission and the government just do whatever they want to collect the information they need.

Privacy is about keeping your personal details from being shared to public or keeping your intimate action without being seen by others such as sleeping .etc. Even filling up a form that requires your data could be dangerous. This article will shows a video and why is it matter to everyone. And having privacy will lessen the people who might threaten you with your personal info. (Sidney Atchazo)

Privacy is important to a lot of people on this planet and in this article by Jonathan Shaw called "The Erosion of Privacy in the Internet Era" talks about how the internet and technology is making privacy extinct. In the article it talks about some ways of how technology can leave you wondering if you are secure out in the world. For example how anyone can take a picture of you and basically stalk you from social media websites, with everyone posting on different social media platforms privacy is hard to come by. Even websites are able to gather your personal information and send it out to who knows, or hackers can pull all of your data as well.

Fourth Amendment (Jasmine Alvarez)

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[]

Freedom of Speech: (Jonathan Martinez)

As pointed out in my previous topic, our anonymity lends itself to us having a freedom of speech on the internet. But is the freedom of speech a guaranteed right online? As this article explains it, basically no. The internet doesn't guarantee us any rights, our own government does that. As such, any private web company can decide to censor its users if they so wish and this would not be a violation of our freedom of speech because it is not a governmental action. However, such abuses by these private companies could lead to push back from not only their userbase but from the government as well.

General Data Protection Regulation:

Encryption: (Long Le)

This website explains that encryption is the process of helping protect personal data by using a “secret code” to scramble it so that it cannot be read by anyone who doesn’t have the code key. Most legitimate websites use what is called “Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL), which is a form of encrypted data when it is being sent to and from a website. This keeps attackers from accessing that data while it is in transit. 

Anonymity: (Jonathan Martinez)

To me this word basically represents what most people ideally want in their average use of the internet: to be anonymous. This article talks about the value of anonymity on the internet. As the article points out, there has been an ongoing debate about anonymity: is it better that it exists or not? Some believe that anonymity is important to the very idea of the internet, essentially a right that is very close to our own freedom of speech. Others believe that too much anonymity leads to abuses such as cyber-bullying or other criminalities. 

Data Collection: (Zachrie Duldulao) 

Is a important tool we use all the time in our lives, we use this in simple ways as surveys for things like food, clothes and items or materials we use everyday as well as health and standards of living. it is important to this course because with out data collecting we cant understand how some sources get their numbers on how thing effect us everyday. a good sight to check would be this one: understand different types and what you can do to help.


Censorship is important and at the same time can be harming, although it is mostly used to withhold information or words that maybe harmful to the public or to others, at the same time can be withholding certain information that can be important to hear or understand. this website goes futher into detail about understand censorship and how it is used or can be used:

Privacy and Personal information can have a different definition for everyone. What do you consider to be private and personal?(Jasmine Alvarez)

In most country, like Muslim countries and Asian countries are more likely to have censorship. Website such as adult entertainments, propaganda, sensitive issues and opposing political opinions often happens in those countries. This article will explain what is censorship and different type of censorship in some countries. Of course, some people will try to bypass these censorship with proxy and VPN's and access the contents.

Spam: (Jasmine Alvarez)

Spam messages are worthless messages, that target ones emails that can possibly lead towards fraud. This website gives some helpful tips on how to keep track of your emails. []

3. Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property rights - what they are, who has them, and what can be protected. With computers and particularly with web technology, there has been a significant increase in attention to intellectual property. Because of the ease of access to information and the ability to duplicate and store vast amounts of data, more people have concerns about their rights to it.

Fair Use: (Diane Wong)

Fair Use allows use of copyrighted materials for limited and “transformative” purpose. Some examples include parody, commentary, and criticism.

It’s related to this class because Fair Use, in certain sense, helps to maintain freedom of speech, preventing criticism, commentary & parody be labeled as infringement of copyright. Le)

In this article it explains that the fair use policy is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. It also states that the Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use.

Open Source: (Diane Wong)

GPL: general public license is popular among open source software distribution. It is a copyleft license, meaning the derivative work can be distributed using the same license terms. This license set the foundation, allowing different users to run, share, study, and make changes to the software.

It’s related to this class because it’s a different type of licensing (i.e. proprietary licensing) from others such as IP protection/copyright/DMCA. Open source licensing is important, as it encourages collaboration among developers, and educational initiatives.

(Jasmine''(Jasmine Alvarez)     

Open source refers to both concept and practice of making program source does openly available.These programs can be downloaded by anyone but these programs may not have technical support if you need it usually because they are not owned by any commercial company.


Linux, programming languages, and OpenStax are considered open source. Open source refers to a source codes that is made available for everyone and does not require permission to modify or improvise on it.

Copyright: (Zachrie Duldulao)

This article is about understanding copyrights, giving you the understanding that copyrights are for protection of your intellectual property. it gives you the Owner's Rights and how they can be used to protect your assets. this is viable information for small business owners and future entrepreneurs. (Long Le)

 This article talks about how other writers, academics, and journalists frequently need to borrow the words of others. Therefore, sooner or later, almost all writers quote or closely paraphrase material that someone else has written. This article mentioned the fair use policy which means that as long as you use the material correct then it is fine. (Jasmine Alvarez)          

Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. Copyright is the right to copy. The original creator of a product and anyone he gives authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.This article is about understanding copyrights, giving you the understanding that copyrights are for protection of your intellectual property.     

Creative Commons:(Zachrie Duldulao)

this is a Wikipedia describing what Creative commons can be, which more or less is a licenses of giving copy righted work away for free or are able to be shared but not reproduced. this is what a lot of non-profits use to get there messages or materials across areas with out the need of paying and getting there word out.      


Privacy: (Jonathan Martinez) 

Internet piracy is essentially a form of theft wherein someone copies and distributes on the internet an intellectual property without the consent of the copyright holder of that property. However, not many people find internet piracy to be wrong. According to a stat presented in the article above, 70% of online users feel there is nothing wrong with internet piracy. It is also quite popular as another stat shows that 22% of all global internet bandwidth is being used for online piracy.

Art and Computers: (Jonathan Martinez)

The internet, specifically Amazon and similar marketplaces, offer a place for artists to sell their work. Unfortunately, quite a bit of this art is counterfeit. This article talks about how artists are noticing a lot of fake and copied versions of their art being sold on sites such as Amazon and Etsy. Although Amazon claims that it strongly prohibits the sales of copyright infringing products, the article gives many examples of stolen art still being sold. Examples were easily found by simply using an in-app Amazon feature where you can search for product by taking a picture of it. When a picture was snapped of a particular piece of art, many examples of products came back in the search such as pillows, yoga mats, and tapestries that feature that art piece, none of which had the permission of the artist to use the material.

DMCA: (Jun Jie)

DMCA is a law that prevents copyright infringement. It also informs search engines, companies and ISP to request take down materials that infringed on copyright. DMCA also protects the rights of both copyright owners and consumers.

4. Crime


Crime in technology can be life changing. Where anyone and everyone has access to the internet you never know who is trying to swindle someone out of their information. this topic covers some interesting links and analysis of internet crimes from our class. covering ways to avoid hacking, some history of computer crimes, risks and demographic hate crimes.

Computer and Crime: Duldulao)

This article describes how a retired General Practitioner used the Dark Web to order a "Hit" by the Mob to kill a financial adviser from losing a large fortune. He has been charged for 3 counts including murder conspiracy and assistance in assassination. We have often heard dark stories of the Dark web and how people can order guns or find killers for hire. This is something that should be aware of the risks that can happen using the internet and should be taught to young early. Le)

In this article, it mentioned that the case of a virus, infect the legal system with a dizzying logistical nightmare, a side effect of the rogue program that earlier this month paralyzed 6,000 computers coast-to-coast connected to the Pentagon's ARPANET research system.  It also talks about a guy name, Robert T. Morris Jr., who is a 23-year-old Cornell University graduate student said to have created the virus that madly replicated itself across the vast network of military and university computers, and the FBI is currently now studying four separate federal criminal statutes to determine whether to prosecute him. Martinez)

The FBI has revealed that they've done some recent counter-hacking in order to map out the severity of the Joanap malware, a huge botnet allegedly created by hackers in North Korea. 

Apparently, the FBI piggybacked onto the botnet, essentially hacking into any computers that are infected by the Joanap malware. This was all done in order to identify what computers are infected and to track the activities of the malware in effort to eradicate it. This malware is particularly dangerous because it gives hackers access to your computer and allows them to commit wire fraud and other crimes.

Because the FBI had to essentially hack into infected computers, some are worried about these powers, calling them "invasive." However, the FBI did attain a search warrant prior to this operation which legally allowed them to do it. Wong)

This article reported a ransomware incident with the Atlanta police department. Hacker initially demanded ransom for $52,000 worth of bitcoin, but later withdrew the offer. This incident costed Atlanta police department a total of around $2.6million dollars. These expenses were related to the recovery work, related digital forensic investigation of the incident, and infrastructure upgrade.

I thought to myself, if I was the person in charge from the Atlanta PD, would I have agreed to pay the ransom. I probably will not agree on paying the ransom as this may encourage future hackers. What is your take on this? What strategy would you have picked? Jie)

This article talks about the rise of online credit card fraud among Australians. In July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, $249 million were conned out from Australians. This means that online shopping popularity has surge and are highly targeted by cyber criminals. In this article, it will give you some advice on how to prevent ourselves from credit card fraud and not get tricked.

Hacking: Duldulao)

This is a great article discussing how to handle the situation of being hacked and identifying if you have been hacked. One way they say to prevent hackers if having a great password, not using birthdays or names but more encrypted ones that no one would really understand or know about you in order to keep safe. (Jasmine Alvarez)

If someone I knew was being hacked or wanted to prevent being hacked I would show them this article. Hackers change their tactics everyday and people have to be aware of them . People need to make strong and hard passwords that they will remember. Don't use personal information, especially on websites that are not secure.,2817,2454554,00.asp (Long Le)

This site helps you to find out if you are hack or not and the steps to find out who is the one that hacking your information. It helps you find out the hacker by order your credit reports, so you can see what's happened, and make an official identity-theft report with the FTC.. It also shows you the steps to help you not to get hackn prevent getting hack by avoid shopping at shady retailers, real-world or online. (Diane Wong)

The article I picked focus on the recovery of the personal identity “damage control” after the event.  It covers advice from checking the computer, changing all passwords, to letting others in the contact know about the event (so to prevent your contacts from receiving fraudulent email from you). I think this article will be helpful to all users. Jie)

This site provides ways to prevent getting hacked, though you still can use the ways provided by the link to enforce your security. This article suggested using 2 Factor Authentication like most of the hack prevention articles. Never input your bank info on a public computer or public network as they contain malicious software that could obtain your data. If you've been hacked, the article suggested to reset the passwords and run a scan on the computer using an anti-virus program. For my suggestion, I would suggest not to cloud save or upload tons of image of ourselves, and also not to input personal info through a non-trustworthy websites that has no encryption or link that doesn't show "HTTPS".

Hate Crimes:

The article I found most interesting was the one on Hate crimes, which I learned is a crime that involves motivated crimes against a particular ethnic group. "Hate crimes are violent actions intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Usually someone who is convicted of a hate crime faces a steeper penalty than someone who performed the same actions without discriminatory animosity, but this legal distinction also helps prosecutors establish motive in certain crimes." In the specific article I found, three young men, from Mississippi worked toward helping African Americans obtain civil rights in omitting, eduction, and employment. They were later killed because of their actions, and because they were civil rights workers trying to help an ethnic group that white men didn't like. (Jasmine Alvarez)

Risks Forum:

This article talks about an app for WeChat that was released by the "Higher People's Court of Hebei" (a court in the Hebei province of China). The app displays if there are any people in debt within 500 meters of the user.

The debtors information is then made available to the user so that the user can easily tell authorities about anyone who is in debt. A spokesperson for the court had this to say about their app: "It's a part of our measures to enforce our rulings and create a socially credible environment." (Jonathan Martinez)  

5. Employment, Education, and Entertainment

Work, School, Recreation and Leisure - Computers and technology are having a significant impact on work and the workplace. Thousands of people are working in jobs that did not exist ten years ago. The workplace has changed as well. School isn't what it used to be. What we do for fun is also dramatically different. Some of these changes are for the better, some not. We will look at how technology and the internet are impacting all of these.(Jasmine Alvarez)


  • How is technology changing K-8 education? High school?
  • How does online education change the world of education? (Jasmine Alvarez)

Does Edutainment Work? (Diane Wong)

This article starts off with the introduction of what is the definition of Edutainment, with a focus of Edutainment for children. It provides an overview to the current landscape of the children edutainment on the market and zoom in on the success story of Sesame Street. I rate this article 2/5, as it has a good introduction plus good discussion on the success story of Sesame Street. However, the discussion is rather short.

What is Edutainment and Why Kids Learn Better this way?

This article starts with a brief introduction of what is Edutainment, with a focus on children edutainment.  The writer then explains the five reasons why edutainment is beneficial in helping children staying motivated & engaged in learning. I rate this article 4/5 as it explains in details explaining why Edutainment is good for children, with lots of examples & quotes. It also includes questions to the reader, which give reader space to reflect/think more on the subject.  It even includes a summary figure to reiterate the benefits. The only improvement I can think of is I wish there were more reader feedback/comments. (Diane Wong)

Distance Learning is the way people fit education into work and home life. People can make their own schedules. People that live in a different country or state can still learn, and it's sometimes cheaper than going on campus. People who do distance learning sometimes done get the interaction they need, and they only get online communication. Sometimes it's hard to show emotion or even empathy for a student over email. This relates to this class in many ways because it's an online class. Many of us choose when to do out work, I am a perfect example. I am currently in Oklahoma until the end of the quarter, this is a perfect class for me. I choose when to do my work, and this class also interacts within each other a lot. This course provides everything online and sometimes many professors go out of their way for students not to pay much for supplies. (Jasmine Alvarez)

Advantages and disadvantages- why choose distance learning? (Jasmine Alvarez)

I give it a ⅖ because even though it's short and simply states, the author needs to provide more detail. No resources were states, and I don't know any percentages of people who do distance learning.–-why-choose-distance-learning/

Going the distance with online education. (Jasmine Alvarez)

This article had good content, and it's very informative. I questioned some of the article, and I wonder if people do prefer in class work.For distance learning education, I think one of the challenges is to find a group of classmates to work on projects with. I still believe that it will be totally worth it to study in school. Students will be getting excellent facilities, faculty, peer group. And this will provide students lot of opportunities.

Mobile Learning: (Long Le)

This article is talking about how the invention of new technology is dominating the school life of many youngsters. In the article, it stated that "teachers need to become mobile-savvy as well if they hope to adequately prepare their students for success in the 21st century." This shows that technology has taken control of our education. It also talks about how students spend much of their day with the cell phone in hand, their "writing lives" are blossoming.

Assistive Technology Duldulao )

Assistive Technology is a great benefit to have for all even if you think you don't need it. I used these for many years as elementary/ middle student as when i was a kid i didn't learn how to read full sentences until 3rd grade as a previous school i went to favored math skills then reading skills. Using computers to tech me how to read and understand that of my classmates level helped me from falling to far behind and i truly benefited form in in life. I don't remember the exact programs i used but a good article describing some good resources is posted below. (Diane Wong)

This article talks about the assistive technology available to the students at University of Tennessee with physical or mental impairments such as learning disabilities, Dyslexia, depression, epilepsy, AD/HD, and autism. The available assistive technologies include screen reader, OCR, speech recognition, computer flow chart.

For example, screen reader is helpful to slow reader, while computer flow chart helps student turning their ideas into picture/flowchart. This is often referred as cognitive mapping.

These assistive technologies are certainly of great importance to motivate/help students with disabilities to be self-sufficient in the learning process. Martinez)

This article argues that more accessibility is needed on the web. The writer of the article themselves is disabled and gives many examples of how some websites are falling short of being fully accessible to people who are blind, deaf, or have other disabilities. The article also talks about recent lawsuits that are being levied at companies whose websites are difficult for people with disabilities to navigate. As the writer argues, the web should be fully inclusive and accessible to all and companies should have these accessibility issues in mind when creating their websites. Jie)

Internet is for everyone, including people with visually impaired. This articles provide advises for web developers to not only limit to normal people but to visually impaired people. The 5 ways: Larger text, Better contrast for text, More obvious action buttons, Cross-platform for better user experience and More keyboard shortcuts.

Games in Education (Zachrie Duldulao)

MyoBeatz is a game for people that have had a lose of ligaments and are learning how to use prosthetic for future life. Although this game was unable to play, it is interesting how learning how to use games in order to encourage movement of a none biological ligament is amazing. I have a family member with out a leg and i feel that if she had this while doing her physical therapy then it might have encouraged her to move faster or heal in a better way then average means of therapy. Wong)

The game simulates the challenges that farmers face in the 3rd world countries. The game highlights the lack of basic necessities, with a list of difficulties such as wars, diseases and droughts. This surely was not an easy game to play. My kids are not old enough to play this game yet, but I can imagine recommending this game to them because it help them to gain deeper learning about the topics, as well as allowing them a chance to improvise in difficult situation. Jie)

I played this game before and it's a great video game, In my opinion, Alpha Bear is very appearing to me as the graphics of the game makes it very interesting. Kids are able to learn new vocabularies by using their own creativity to form new words in this game.

Another I would recommend is It looks similar to Minecraft but it's about building robots with resources, this game give you a brief understanding how to teach your robot to automate the world (Sidney Atchazo)

The game I played was called Cancer Game. In this game the player is basically trying to heal the person or prevent the causes of cancer. The game is surrounded by the whole issue of cancer and how smoking can leave a damaging and lasting effect on yourself and others. One of levels takes the player into the lungs and you as a cell, has to figure out the problem and escape the room. The problem was cigarettes and I took that away and gave the body meds instead and was able to escape and save that part of the body which was the lungs.

K-8 Engineering: Martinez)

This article gives great examples of how engineering is being taught in k-8 classrooms. One example was a class being tasked with designing something to keep water warm inside of a vessel. The only tool they were given was a temperature probe. With this tool they were able to measure and record the data of the water temperatures. Along the way, they are learning about scientific concepts like heat transfer as use engineering principles to design their projects using the temperature data. One of the teachers featured in the article asks "What is technology?" And another teacher essentially answers that question with: “Pretty much anything around us is technology."

This concept is important to teach to young students as well as for all of us to remember because the truth of technology is this: Everything around us had to be designed at some point to solve a problem. This is the essence of technology. Jie)

This website is contributed by NASA. It has variety of activities and lessons that is provided to young kids or anyone. K-8 engineering basically does develop creativity from young age and also lets young kids experience something that's look fun to them. The learning process is also different, rather than looking at the textbook, young kids are able to experience it. Also it won't reduce the students love of learning.


  • How is technology changing jobs and the nature of work? What jobs have not changed even though technology might help them? What jobs would not exist without technology?(Jasmine Alvarez) Le)

It talks about how the company is investing $400 million for more jobs opening. It explains that to accommodate the new job creation, Amazon will be expanding into 430,000 square feet in WS Development’s Seaport project – a 7.6 million square feet development transforming the waterfront of Boston – and plans to open the doors of its new office in 2021.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

MIDTERM - a research assignment with different topics being discussed.

Poverty (Jasmine Alvarez)

Can technology actual help figure out a way to end Poverty? If everyone is able to gain access of technology devices, can't we also make it easier for people with poverty to get classes towards a better future with technology?

Adult Literacy (Jasmine Alvarez)

It's very hard to travel, and make a living without knowing how to read. Adults are making it hard on themselves, and also society as a whole by not being able to read or sometimes not even being able to write. Many Americans are facing this problem, before people would pass time while drinking coffee and reading a book. Now technology is taking over, and many Americans are leaving reading behind. This also affect the way out economy works, because they have low pain jobs or are even unemployed. I have experienced seeing people unable to communicate because they don't know english, not I can't even imagine how it would be to interact with someone who can't read. It would be like working with a kindergartner who is barley learning the alphabet.

Global Learning: (Long Le)

Having an education grounded in global learning can provide a deeper perspective by considering and evaluating our interconnected social, political, and cultural systems and the ways that this inter-connectivity affects the necessary collaborative work needed to solve global issues. Which is very beneficial to do global learning. This article advertise about program NAFSA which offers an international educators a wide range of programs, networks, and resources focused on global learning to help people reach their specific goals

How digital technology can help reinvent basic education in Africa (Diane Wong)

Description: this article describes how digital technologies have transformed education in Africa. One of the most successful projects is the One Laptop per Child project. This project was launched in 2005, aiming to provide schools with laptop with low cost. The laptop not only serves as an education tool for traditional school subjects, it also allows students to be familiar with computer and internet.  In the following years, other low-cost electronics such as smartphones, tablets and kindle-style electronic readers were distributed to the students in Africa to address the lack of books and school textbooks problem.

The project is successful as it provided a localized/tailored solution that address the particular problem that students face in Africa. These programs also included user feedback for further improvement. Last but not least, constant public awareness and support help to sustain the project funding which is crucial in ensuring the long-term success of the program.

Interactive Educational Television in the Amazon (Diane Wong)

Description: this article describes the use of digital technologies as a viable approach to support education and improve literacy for the Amazonas regions in Brazil. The Amazonas regions is geographically isolated, which had limited access to common education resources.   Interactive Educational Television is set up with either live or pre-recorded TV programs.  The program covers all the subjects that are taught in school and made is more accessible to the local students. With the help of the program, it helps the local schools to provide more support, especially these schools are usually short-staffed and under-resourced.

The long-term effectiveness of the project is yet to be determined, but given the lack of educational resources that the Amazonas tribes are currently facing, The interactive television program was a very good starting point. The program can be viewed as a pilot program to improve literacy for local tribes, as well as raising public awareness on the issue.

Mobile phones help promote literacy in Papua New Guinea | ICT4Education (Diane Wong)

Description: this article describes the use of mobile phone to promote literacy in Papua New Guinea. In Papua New Guinea (PNG), there are lots of isolated remote communities. In addition, there are more than 800 spoken languages, which is one of the main struggles faced by their education system.  

With the help of the Australian government, a technology project was setup to use Mobile phone as educational tool to deliver story in SMS (Text Message) format. This help to provide alternative reading materials to the children as often time they have limited/no access to reading materials.

Though the assessment report concluded that a mixed result on the effectiveness of the program. In my opinion, the project is still in its infancy stage. The project is an important step in raising literacy awareness in PNG.

Ocean Discovery: (Long Le)

The ocean takes up 70% of the earth and we only discovered about 5% of it which is really little. Throughout history, the ocean has been a vital source of sustenance, transport, commerce, growth, and inspiration.  Currently only about 35 percent has been mapped with modern methods and there are more than eighty percent of this vast, underwater realm remains unmapped, unobserved, and unexplored.  A group researcher called NOAA is currently leading efforts to explore the ocean by supporting expeditions to investigate and document its unknown and little known regions.

LivingCO2 (Zachrie Duldulao)

With each exhale of our lungs co2 is brought out into the atmosphere, millions of people add to this co2 bubble and company productions speed up the process my excreting more co2 than our planet can handle. we must find a way to convert co2 into a viable energy source whether it is with food production or fuel substitution (i.e gasoline, electricity, coal). This is a mission that is held by a Xprize, a company willing to fund projects to increase awareness and help design the new wave of the future.

A few links that describe the current state of co2 conversion into valuable products:

This is brief description of this link:

"The promise of high-performance materials like carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles has been the stuff of science fiction..." (Author XPRIZE) a statement that is describing a new way to convert co2 into products that can change life, a team named "TerraCOH" has imagined a way of supercharging our electrical grids by using co2 emissions to ramp up the production of energy and lower the cost of current ways to produce eneergy. follow the link for more descriptions: ( )

This is brief description of this link:

This is a front page to report of a 100 climate surveys to understand where our co2 conversion processes is currently at. by holding a report many professionals can post their finding a discovery's working hand and hand with each other and the community. follow the link for more descriptions: ( )

This is brief description of this link:

"By 2050, our world’s population is expected to grow to 10 billion people." how do we tend to feed all these people if we have trouble feeding our current world population? the answer is in co2, team "Protein Power" uses the run off co2 emissions from factories to try and grow rich algae foods in order to subsidize the continued co2 pollution. follow this link for more descriptions: ( )

A idea I have thought of in order to create a way of utilize co2 for energy is with ocean life. Given to me by looking at my current fish tank, plants can use co2 in order to grow healthier and to produce oxygen rich waters for fish and other vertebrates. By applying co2 canisters and leaking co2 at a healthy level for fish life we can produce the growth of coral reefs and bring life back to the ocean floors. A example of where this could be utilized is in Australia with the Great Barrier Reef, that has slowly started dying over the years due to ocean pollution and a abundance of tourists that destroy and trash areas by heavy foot traffic. If we produce new healthy growth of coral we can bring thriving life back to this wondrous place. We can also use this in Aquaponic systems (follow this link for understanding of Aquaponics: growing under water plants to help fish promote healthy living and create waste for vegetables and other food. By utilizing co2 in these ways we can reduce the amount that is wasted in our atmosphere and help create new life while maintaining the current ones we have as well.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology


What are the implications for a global society as more of the world's population have access to computers and computing, while many other people do not?

While with the rapid advance of technology and application, it is our responsibilities to evaluate the merit & drawback of technology. In addition, user shall have control over the technology. This section describes the many of the useful applications benefited from technology. These applications contributed in areas such as distance learning, internet connectivity, automation, as well as simulation (Diane Wong)

Digital Divide:

Technology is becoming accessible to most of the populations, yet it varies within the privileged communities. Low-income schools have a lack of technology, and it doesnt give their students a fair chance at learning like the upper class, who have technology at their disposal. (Jasmine Alvarez)

Machine intelligence:

4 Types of Machine Intelligence You Should Know:There are many terms used to describe Machine Intelligence, and at the core concept, Machine Intelligence is a combination of imitation, self-learning, extrospection, and introspection. (Jasmine Alvarez)

Internet of things: (Long Le)

This article explains that the internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. One example I would like to have is to lock/unlock my car using my phone. (Jonathan Martinez)

 This article talks about a few trends pertaining to the internet of things to look out for in the future. 

One of the trends it mentions is more focus being put on voice control tech. Right now I think things like Alexa and Siri work fine but I'd like to see their capabilities increase. What I'd like to see is a voice control home. From all the electronics and home appliances to the TV, to the sound system, the heater and AC, even the shower and bath, everything controlled by a central voice control program similar to Alexa or Siri. 

Learning Literacy: (Long Le)

This free application is really great for gamers to talk while playing games because I've been using it for a while now and it is really convenient and easy to use. Communicating while playing made it much easier to win since you don't have to type stuff out and give each other directions. 

Knowledge Sharing: (Zachrie Duldulao)

This is a brief article about 5 things that benefit using knowledge sharing. This is a good article but very short and for this I give it a 3/5. The points of "Improving Delivery to Customers" is a great point that I relate to on a daily basis in my job but not giving enough information on how to actually applying these benefits isn't enough to push someone to commit and use these daily. (Zachrie Duldulao)

This article is about the definition of Knowledge Sharing and what it is intended to use for. Using this website to get a basic understanding of what Knowledge Sharing is would be great to read first prior to the article above. I give this a 5/5 as it is just as it says it is, a definition and what it means. This article doesn't need "how to apply" or "ways to use", it gives you the knowledge and lets you use it the way you think it can be applied for.


What Impact will automation have on society - Four Scenarios (Diane Wong)

This article describes the four possible scenarios on what automation will have on our society. To me, I feel like the automation transition will take placed in a steady and balanced manner. The thorough analysis provided in the article, covered differential potential scenarios. In addition, the supporting examples, statstics, and figures helped to support the article theme. The references included for each scenario increase the credibility of the article. Finally, the article has proper conclusion.

Automating jobs is how society makes progress (Diane Wong)

This article argues that automation is the driving force for our society to make progress. The author used the automation in the mining industry that boost the productivity in the past 100 year as a prime example. From that, the author argues that automation will benefit our industries as well as our society. The article is well organized and well-planned. The author has detailed elaboration on his stance. However, the article lacks adequate examples, statstics, and reference. And the quoted selective past automation examples (e.g. agriculture, mining) may not be suitable to predict the upcoming wave of automation.

Computers and Society Video: (Jonathan Martinez)

This is a video from a channel that is basically all about computing and many different fields within computing. There's a lot of great videos on there. This video in particular is about computer graphics and how deep learning is being used by companies like Nvidia to render very high quality graphics using less computing power. The basic concept this technology is that a computer graphics card is essentially "trained" using deep learning AI to recreate computer graphics in higher quality (higher resolution, better graphics effects, etc). Right now the technology is still pretty new and the results are pretty varied. However, Nvidia continues to work on it and the future seems pretty promising.

Simulation: (Jun Jie)

This website has 20 Simulation related to chemistry which cover from different concept. Though it's still on beta but there is physic simulation which cover more than 20 chapters and concept. You will need to register after certain number of simulation you had played.

8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

Computers themselves are not capable of original thought but they can act as through they "think". Computers have capabilities to "remember" vast amounts of information and apply the information according to millions of rules that have been defined by hundreds of programmers over decades. How does this all come together? What happens when there are conflicts within the rules or data and something goes wrong?

Dependency (Diane Wong)

In this article, the author argued whether our growing dependency on technology may in fact hinder our ability to innovate. The author recommends that we should keep a clear goal and draw a line on how much we rely on technology. If we blindly accept technologies as they become available, as time goes by, our dependency on technologies grows and our ability to innovate may be hindered.

Though I don’t fully agree with the author’s view on the topic but I do think the author raised a very valuable question. (Jonathan Martinez)

I found this article on a psychology website that talks about internet addiction (rnhigh dependency on the internet). When a person becomes so dependent on their use of the internet that it begins to interfere with their daily lives, this person has become addicted to the internet. The article explains that it is difficult to point at a real cause for why internet addiction occurs. However, it is pointed out that an internet addict's brain has a similar makeup to that of someone who is dependent on drugs or alcohol.

Failures & Errors (Diane Wong)

This article talks about the CPU bugs named meltdown and spectre, which affected pretty much all of the CPU designed by Intel, AMD, and ARM. These two bugs are security related vulnerabilities that can potentially exposed users to hacker’s attack, gaining access to the systems.

As we grow more and more dependent on technology, technology errors become more and more relevant to us. Just like these two bugs that were mentioned, they affected electronic products that has a microprocessor in it. These include products range from computer, smartphone even to smart speaker like Google Home. Le)

This website talks about the Samsung galaxy note 7 that catches on fire and explode. This is an error that the company did by using two different size batteries which make them overheated and caught on fire. This is related to our course because technology is a double edge sword which means they can help us and also harm us at the same time. Le)

  This article shows the statistics of the fail technologies that been published to the society for the past few years. This is important because it letting us know which tech companies to avoid so that we won't have to waste our money for something that doesn't work for much.   

Change leadership (Diane Wong)

This article describes how technology brings new impact on leadership. With technology,  it allows the management to give more flexibility to the employee, better management remotely, expanding on new markets, and use new technology to manager’s advantage  in providing influence to the team.

Indeed, if managers can utilize new technology  to their advantage, that certainly will benefit not only the management, but increase team morale as well as productivity.

Conflict of interest-(Jasmine Alvarez)

A conflict of interest (COI) is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial interest, or otherwise, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation of the individual or organization.

Safety- (Jasmine Alvarez)

Safety comes into play within programming in computers. There are some ways that programers aren't being safe and aren't protecting what they write within a program.

Medicine and Computers: (Jonathan Martinez)

I found a brief video that talks about two aspects of AI that can really help in medicine in the near future. The first aspect is image recognition. This is the ability for AI to recognize specific images and identify what it is seeing. The video suggests this could be useful in the medical field to aid doctors in visually diagnosing a patient's injuries or ailments by recognizing symptoms or scanning MRIs. The second aspect described in the video is speech recognition. This would mean an AI that could actually recognize a person's speech and converse with that person using proper clinical terminology. Doctors would essentially have a secondary who they could dictate medical information to, and in real time the AI could analyse this information and store it. 

Both aspects would produce data that could then be applied through algorithms by the AI to further help doctors reach a diagnosis for their patients. ( Zachrie Duldulao)

This is a article about a company named Stryker that is a leading innovator in medical technology, purchasing a company named Novadaq from Canada  that creates camera’s that can read blood tissue is healthy. With Stryker’s technology and funding their camera’s will save more lives in surgery’s. This is important because with new technologies innovation applying it to medicine we can be more accurate and increase speeds to save more lives.

Learn to Code (Zachrie Duldulao)

This website is very helpful in order to teach children in current days how to code, i have to say this would have changed my world as a kid, making cartoons that would basically be coding, i believe i would have learned many things. i would definitely recommend this to anyone trying to learn as a kid but i think for adults we need a little more less kid-like simulations

9. Anytime, Anywhere

Technology is around us 24/7, what are the advantages and disadvantages? The following examples are about technology being used anytime and anywhere.

E-wallet: (Jasmine Alvarez)

I decided to choose this word because I work at Costco. Every thought for our inventory and several other things employees use are outdated. Costco has managed to have one of the fastest ways for members to check out. They have apple pay, google pay, and not the anywhere visa they provide has a tap and go feature. A lot of people are coming to shop and don't even bring a wallet in, instead they have everything on their phones. E-wallet allows people to make transactions electronically. An individuals bank can be linked to a digital wallet as well, many people also make transfers in seconds.

Telepresence technology - Ocean Exploration

The article talked about the adaptation of telepresence technology for ocean exploration. The page provided current and furture priodictions of the history. It is a very promising area for ocean exploration as we still have fairly limited knowledge about the ocean. Telepresence technology helps to facilitate the task efficiently, minimizing cost, and reduce risk in exploration such that human physical presence at these extreme environment can be minimized. (Jasmine Alvarez)

This article talks about the adaptation of telepresence technology for ocean exploration. The page provides history, current status and future prediction.  It is a very promising area for ocean exploration as we still have fairly limited knowledge about the ocean. Telepresence technology helps to facilitate the task efficiently, minimizing cost, and reduce risk in exploration such that human physical presence at these extreme environment can be minimized. The article is very informative with lots of detailed information about the history, scope of application of these technologies, with supporting materials/links for further reading.

Though the site is already very informative. Relatively speaking, it lacks actual statistics to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technology. For example, how effective is telepresence ocean exploration compare to ocean exploration by human. (Diane Wong)

Telepresence Technology - Education and Future of E-learning (Diane Wong)

This article talks about how telepresence technologies are used in the education sector and additionally how it will shape the future the E-learning. The author of the page starts off by identifying the difference between telepresence education and e-learning. The page has constructive discussion and description on the use of telepresence in education. In addition, Author's projection/prediction on its impact on education is thought-provoking. While on the flip side, the lack of supporting evidence and example limits the effectiveness of the article.

Smartphone: (Long Le)

The smartphone is good for searching for information online anywhere and anytime which is very convenient when you need to search up information about something important. The smartphone is changing society by letting everyone rely on them too much that they forget how to do stuff on their own and it also makes people become anti-social because everyone is on social media instead of interacting with others physically. The different that smartphones have society is that it makes everyone rely on it too much which make them becomes more lazy. 

Technology and Election:  (Long Le)

This article talks about how technology make voting more accessible and the rate of people who vote has increased dramatically ever since voting is available online where anybody can access with it whenever they want. I think it is really great because a lot of people are busy with their work so it really hard for them to go to the voting center to vote and it is way more convenient to be able to vote online since they can do it anywhere and anytime which save so much time and effort.  (Jonathan Martinez)

This article talks about concerns going into the 2020 election regarding election meddling and the public confidence in the process. One of the main concerns going into the election is the vulnerability of voting centers to meddling. The article says that election experts consider the likelihood of success of hacking in the elections is slim. However, this is because voting in the US is decentralized and locally run which also means that some local voting centers in the US will have outdated hardware and software when some other centers may not. This problem is especially difficult when there are reports that voting centers in a number of states cannot afford to upgrade their voting technology. (Diane Wong)

 As social media becomes more and more integrated into our daily lives, its influence grows considerably also. As the author has pointed out, we are at a point where the influence of social media can impact our election choice.

To me this is a valid concern, as it’s rather difficult to fully understand people’s political affiliation on social media. If social media is “manipulated” or used in propaganda, then that surely can have an impact to influence our elections. 

Virtual Lectures: (Jonathan Martinez)

Having watched the recent documentary "Free Solo", I found this Ted Talk by the same guy who is the subject of that documentary. Basically, this person Alex Honnold is a rock climber that does a type of climbing called free-soloing, which is rock climbing alone without using any kind of rope, harnessing, or protective equipment. Its extremely dangerous and many have died doing it. In the documentary, Alex Honnold becomes the first person to free solo El Capitan, a 3000 foot tall cliff face in Yosemite, California. In this Ted Talk he briefly talks about how it felt to do that. I highly recommend watching the documentary, its really good and it just won an Oscar.

Mobile Learning: (Zachrie Duldulao)

This article describes 10 ways Mobile Learning that are trending currently, one example of this is "Inclusive Learning" having the current technology to actually have students or learners feel like they are part of the lesson by adding context to blogs or discussions, like we do here in this class.

This article describes 12 principles of mobile learning, this is a good thought as how you should approach mobile learning and expectations before beginning. a example of this is #8 Diverse, which goes into detail of being open minded and apply not  just your thoughts but actually caring of what others say creating a web community.

Anywhere is Possible (Diane Wong)

The challenge of this grand challenge is to replicate the sensory functions, such as vision, sound, touch and interaction.

From the few articles that I found, it appears that there are existing technologies that can address each sensory area, and their projection/development path looks very promising. From time to time, I will come across of these videos on Youtube (such as Hologram used in Concert, VR flight simulator with haptic feedback….e.t.c). The pace of development in this area this astonishing.

Here are the two questions on the back of my mind,

  1. I wonder if the integration of all these sensory function into a single product will be the main challenge.
  2. I wonder how these technologies will sharp our life style in the future. For instance, say with the advert of the Avatar System, perhaps we don’t have be physically present at work/at school anymore? 😊

AR Hologram:

VR Haptics:


10. Technology Advances, Social Trends


As Technology advances, its applications are getting more and more integrated into our society and daily lives. It’s obvious that many of our social trends are closely tied to technology innovation. As end users of the technology, we should develop critical thinking skill to analyze the pros/cons of the application, rather than blindly following the trend. One way to do that is through continual education so that we can keep up with the details of the technology applications. (Diane Wong)

Technology become advanced, and human beings are coping with it. As humans we need to work smart with technology and making sure were well aware of the downsides. (Jasmine Alvarez)

I know that as technology becoming more advanced, people are becoming less socialize because they are too hooked into the new technology which forget how to interact with each other. That is how antisocial is created.(Long Le)

People life gets more easier as technology advances, and social media are affecting the society everyday with its trends. New interesting and innovative technologies will always be a top trend in social media, like how companies introduces their new phones or computers, will always catch the social media attention.(Jun Jie)

Interesting Quantitative Facts: (Long Le)

In this article, it shows the connection between technology and human in society and how human depends on it so much that they can't do anything without it. It stated that "Humans use technology to travel, to communicate, to learn, to do business and to live in comfort". With this being said, technology has taken a really big part in our human life and we can't really live without it like in the old days. As technology evolved, people are starting to be more antisocial due to lack of physical interact and only talk through the screen. This is really interesting because people need to take a break from technology or else it will soon dominate all of the human race. Martinez)

This article has a few interesting stats regarding the Internet. The first stat is perhaps the most interesting overall. 50.8% of the global population is now online which means, according to the article, this is the first time in history that the majority of the world is online. Another stat is that there is now 105 million combined users from India and China who are now online. This number is expected to rise as the internet is becoming more open in those regions. According to the article, it is expected that in the next three years, India and China will add more internet users than there are currently using the internet in the US today.

Both these stats signal to me the growing expansion of access to the internet across the globe. As more users come online for the first time, I believe we will see fresh innovations and ideas come to pass. I believe that this trend of a more free, more open internet to new users around world will lead to a more connected world overall. (Diane Wong)

This website listed several interesting figures regarding total number of websites on the internet.

  • Total number of websites (2000 - 2018)
    • This is represented as a bar chart over the years. Chronically, the number of websites increase in a exponential fashion, which grew from 17million websites in 2000 to 1.7billion websites in 2018. The year that saw the most increase was in 2017. It jumps from 1 billion to 1.8 billion between 2016 and 2017.
  • Statistics regarding number of new websites & number of internet users (1993 – 2015)
    • These statistics were tabulated side by side in columns. The website even calculated the ratio website-to-internet user ratio. This ratio went from ~9000 users/website in 1994 , gradually down to ~3 users/website in 2015. Keep in mind the number internet users are growing along side with the number of websites. This ratio symbolizes how fast the number of websites has grown over the years.
  • Two questions I had regarding these statistics are
    • The website defines new websites based on the number of unique domain name. As the website pointed out also, over 75% of these domain names are not active
    • I am also curious on how the website defines as internet users. For example, many people have access to multiple electronic devices, including phone, IoT devices, multiple computers. (Jun Jie)

This article provide an updated interesting statistics and facts about variety range of stuff in internet. The websites has been updating the information annually. You can see information were presented in different kinds of ways, though you have to read some text to get a better understanding about the chart or info graphic. The statistic were quite interesting such as more and more people in China surf the internet using their mobile phone each year and how e-commerce were keep rising every year

Future of Computers: (Zachrie Duldulao)

This article is about 7 ways we'll interact with computers, like companionship and voice-controls. We have amazing things created only in recent years, cars that drive hundreds of miles on a electric engine on one  charge and phones that can video call, chatting with someone face to face across the world. This article also describes a possibility of having touch controls on every surface, this could be on counter-tops, walls or even cars. This could help organize and give the ability to look up anything when needed. Imagine cooking and having that recipe displayed on your stove top instead of on a paper. I imagine that maybe one day we would have a role on paint that had microchips creating any surface to become connected into a computer.

I believe this author does a great job of creating a sense of wonder. It gets one excited for the future and what can possibly happen. We can use these things as a benefit for society and help us grow together for the future. we can have these things help in medical fields, use in emergency areas by having one hold their hands onto a computer surface showing there exact location. We can not predict what will happen in the future but we can prepare ourselves. We can have a healthy outlook and open mind to what might come to be and i believe this article gives a great opening. (Diane Wong)

This article from New York Times has rather detailed analysis on why the limited Google Glass release in 2012 failed. The social issues discussed in this article include bugs, privacy/security concern.

The article highlighted two issues associated with many other modern wearable electronics.  First concern is bugs, as these applications become more and more integrated to our society and daily lives. The error and bugs can potential have wide impact of us. Second concern is privacy/security, as we rely more and more on these products, we are sharing a lot of information with others, one way or the other.

To me, the analysis provided in this article is well-rounded, addressed all of the reasons that the author thinks that contributed to the fail of the Google Glass Release in 2012.  Each argument is supported by related history. As I am reading through this article, I wonder if we are ready for wearable products such as Google Glass, even as of today. Google glass was a prime example of the struggle that we face between the desire technology innovation and the privacy/security concern. Google glass, in a sense, was like a thermometer, gauging our confidence between these two conflicting desire & concern. (Jonathan Martinez)  

This article is about an emerging field in computing called quantum computing. Quantum computing is a new kind of computing that uses the ideas of quantum mechanics to perform computations. In classical computing, computations are made using inputs and outputs of bits in binary. Everything your computer does essentially comes down to many computations of either ones or zeroes, on or off. However, quantum computing operates in the realm of photons and electrons, with particles called qubits that can be in "superposition", or all states simultaneously. This means that computations are done with ones, zeroes, or both at the very same time. With each added "qubit" of memory, the computational power of a quantum computer raises exponentially and would surpass that of any traditional computing used today.       

The article Medium by Valentina D'Efilippo, was about a large social media movement with sexual abuse and workplace harassment women. While taking this class and reading this article,I question the internet in many ways. How will social media change the vales of past generations. Analysis used twitter as a source, and looked up keyword to help within these topics. Metoo is the most relevant social media keyword I can think of. Many celebrities, activist, and social media users used these there high number of followers to make this Metoo movement happen. Social media is the vice for mostly celebrities, and high profited people to make a tent.       

Not only in the United States, but other countries have also used social media as a way of launching movements. The author of this article dintake a side, and presented the information in a very good way. I am a person who doesn't know much about data, and even I was able to understand the author. Social media will continue to grow in many ways, and society will grown with it. It's the perfect platform to make trends, and even promote movements with no charge. (Jasmine Alvarez)       

What's new and important? (Zachrie Duldulao)

This is a article discussing the new trend of foldable smart phones and when will they actually become affordable. as many companies role out their new flagship devices selling for thousands of dollars the general public can only window shop as they are out of reach at their high prices. We don't care how cool the phone is if we cant buy it and these companies need to realize that they wont get high sales if it isn't possible for the 98% to actually afford one. (Diane Wong)

Compare to our current computer system (Classical computing) which is based on binary system, the quantum computing surely is very interesting. The binary system, which uses transistor as the fundamental storage bit, only hold data as either “0” or “1” while the Qbit in quantum computing has 5 states for each bit. More interestingly, in theory, these 5 states can exist “in parallel” (Of which the article named it as simultaneous existence).

Quantum computing is particularly useful in solving problems that the classical computing is relatively slow at. Such as applications that require a lot of “trial-and-error”. Example applications include optimization, calculating unique large prime number, factoring very large numbers.

That translates into more computing power in optimization related problem and stronger encryption to our society. (Jasmine Alvarez)

This website had statistics on the amount of children and teens with the use of technology. I found it interesting that throughout the years the ages for the use of cellphones and tablets drops. Children who are in elementary school are having cellphones at such a young age. Older generations dreamed of being these children. Many of the children today don't even know what it is to even play outside anymore. The information is straight forward, yet I wish it had some graphics. This date can be misinterpreted by the way that society changes every minute of the day. Jie)

5G has been a hot topic since it first announced to the public. It is said to be 100 times faster than 4G LTE and our current cable internet. Besides that, 5G may be helpful in technology advancement.