Dr. Savithri Singh

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All are different.......... All are equal......

My Wikieducator Campaign Page and Results

'Date & Time :
20, September 2024 16:42

StudioFibonacci Cartoon peacock.png
This user is a Member of
Interim Advisory Board of WikiEducator India


My Wikieducator Linked activities==

  • My comments about L4C in Connections - the COL Newsletter Click here
  • Teacher Education workshop in Delhi University : Experiences with Wikieducatormade at the Conference on 'elearning in teacher education' held at University of Delhi, February 2007
  • Talk on Wikieducator - Delhi University South Campus
  • PCF 5  : paper on Use of WE
  • Face to face L4C workshop in Delhi (October 3 - 6, 2008) Check here
  • Launch of Wikieducator India Chapter, Click here
  • Introduced Wikieducator to the audience at the Knowledge Commons seminar on 'Collaborative Innovation for Development: Enlarging the Global Commons' on 6th December 2008, India Habitat Center, New Delhi.
  • Face to face L4C workshop in Delhi (Jan 9 - 12, 2009).Please go to WikiEd09
  • Talk at the f2f Wikieducator Workshop at Gargi College January 12, 2009
  • Presentation at Freed.in - a conference of India LUG: Wikieducator: Towards freely accessible educational content
  • Face to face L4C workshop in Delhi (April 13 -17, 2009).Please go to OER 09 -1 and OER 09 -2
  • Face to face L4C workshop in Delhi (May 12 -15, 2009). Please click OER 09-3 and OER 09-4
  • Face to face L4C workshop in Delhi (May 16 -18, 2009).Please visit OER 09-5
  • Face to face L4C workshop in Moradabad (September3 - 5, 2010).Please visit TMU workshop
  • Consultant with CEMCA for Coordinating upload of OER content on 'Microeconomics' and 'Life Skills' by Mumbai University : Three workshops for the process during 2011-12.

  • Brief report of a talk published in Electronics for You July 2009 issue
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  • For video of a talk on Wikieducator here

Please see the Presentation made at the workshop to introduce Wikieducator.

At Gargi College Dr Savithri Singh at the Gargi College L4C workshop

  • Learning for Content Workshop at Dhaka - Bangladesh See here

Pictures linked with Wikieducator

  • For details about the Linux '09 workshop at Acharya Narendra Dev College click here
  • Dr. Savithri Singh has been selected for the Featured WE article of WikiEducator India page.
  • For monthly statistics about wikieducator GO HERE


My name is Savithri Singh . I am the Principal of Acharya Narendra Dev College, an Undergraduate college of the University of Delhi with over 30 years of total teaching experience. I am a trained Botanist, but over time my interests have diversified – issues on women, environment, science education - curriculum, syllabus - and access to education specially concern me. I strongly believe in free access to educational content and in collaborative learning not only among peers but also between a student and a teacher. Probably due to my long association with the Centre for Science Education Communication, University of Delhi, I like to introduce myself as a ‘science educationist’. Besides my adminstrative responsibilities, I spent a lot of time with curriculum and syllabus development at the school and University levels and have developed materials for School Science at both primary and senior levels. I am now busy developing elearning content materials at school and college levels. I have been using the Wikieducator for collaborative development of materials in a project involving IGNOU, INBAR, COL, CIBART and ANDC.

My current passion on the academic front is to encourage research by faculty and promote workshops for and experiment-based research projects by undergraduate students’ CPURT. I would like to ensure that students get opportunities to work with the best of tools available thus gaining valuable hands-on experience. My vision is to make my college be identified as a Centre for excellence in research in the sciences.

My passion in life since the last one year is birding and bird photography!! This hobby helps me relax and forget all my worldly worries - it takes me away from the tensions of administrative work, gives me peace as also a real connect with nature. i have started travelling a lot to go to places for birding - most weekends I am out in nature. This passion also ensures that I am physically fit - for the amount of walking I need to do. It teaches you patience since sometimes one spends hours waiting for a bird or a pose!! One becomes sensitive to the slightest movement and the softest sounds - thats how one realizes the presence/spots the small birds. Birding has also brought me in touch with so many lovely people and with it a whole different world. i have made several good friends because of the shared passion - some of them virtual!! I am also one of the administrators of a large group (over 10,000 members) on birds - Indian birds . this forum is for sharing and learning about indian Birds. This is where all my learning comes from - and I have far to go!!

Here are some links for my photograph-collection : Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary, Birds of the Pusa campus, Tal Chappar Wildlife Sanctuary, Birds not of the same feather, Birds in my Garden

I love listening to music – old Hindi film songs of Mukesh are my favourite.
Wikipedia-logo-en.png Acharya Narendra Dev College
Wikipedia has an article on this subject.

Visit Acharya Narendra Dev College for more in depth information

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Go vote for Wikieducator at The edublog Awards

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Launch of India Chapter of Wikieducator

India Chapter of Wikieducator was launched on 15 November 2008 at India International Centre, New Delhi. Dr M.S. Swaminathan was the chief guest. Wayne Mackintosh presented the wikied from Vancouver through video conferencing. I spoke about Wikieducator in the Indian context and about the India-pages. For details (click here)

Wikibig003.jpg Dr Savithri Singh, Dr M S Swaminathan and Shri. Jainder Singh IAS at the launch

Saviiic 2.gif Dr Savithri Singh speaking about Wikieducator

For more pictures of the event please click this link


About Myself

Please access my campaign page from here.

Complete list of the elected members to the First Community WE Council is available from here..

  • Higher Secondary, St Thomas Girls Higher Secondary School, 1970
  • B.Sc.(Hons (1973), M.Sc. (1975) ( Both Miranda House) and Ph.D (1985) in Botany (University of Delhi)
  • UGC Research Scientist (1988 - 92), Department of Botany, University of Delhi
  • Conducted two research projects (one funded by UGC and the other by ICAR)
  • Reader, Deen Dayal Upadhyay College, Delhi University, 1992-2005
  • Fellow at the International Rice Research Institute, Phillippines, 1994-95
  • Fellow, Centre for Science Education and Communicarion, University of Delhi 2003-2005
  • Principal, Acharya Narendra Dev College wef November 2005

Places I have visited

  • Germany - accompanied my husband when he went for DAAD fellowship, 1982-83
  • Phillippines, Fellow at the International Rice Research Institute, 1994-95
  • Hongkong 1995
  • Taipei, Taiwan for Wikimania 2007
  • London - Conference Pan Commonwealth Forum on Education (PCF5) 2008
  • Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland July 2008
  • Milton Keynes, Open University, UK, July 2008
  • Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, Washington DC, Boston, United States 2008
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - QAMLM meeting, 2008
  • Singapore 2008
  • Bangladesh - Wikieducator and Easynow workshop 2009
  • Egypt and Turkey 2009
  • Malaysia, Penang, Easynow workshop 2010
  • US September - October, 2011 - to visit my son and wife.
  • New Zealand - Dunedin - OERu Anchor partner meeting November 9-10, 2011. Visit from Nov 8-15.
  • Thailand, November 16, 2011.
  • London, UK march 2012: 'Going Global 2012: International Education Conference'
  • Cambridge, UK, April 2012: 'Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact – Openly collaborating to enhance Education'
  • Bangkok, Thialand, 23-24 April 2012: Policy Forum for Asia and the Pacific: Open Education Resources on invitation from the UNESCO, Bangkok
  • Chiangmai, Thailand, May 23-25, 2012: Planning meeting on Southern Research on Open Educational Resources (OERs) project under the International Development Research Center (IDRC) of the Wawasan Open University, Malaysia.
  • Rupantar, Khulna, Bangladesh, March 31 - April 2, 2012 for conducting workshop on "Introduction to collaborative e-content Development"

'"At present involved in"'

  • As an expert on an IDRC Project on 'OER for Development in the Global South, a project of Professor Raj Dhanarajan, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia. The project proposes to help Research on OER in Asia, africa and South America. The first planning meeting was held in Thailand in May, 2012. The next meeting to finalize research proposals for funding will be held early next year.

Dressed for birding

Was involved in

  • Bamboo and Rattan project
  • Developing resources for undergraduate courses on WE by my college [1]
  • Pilot elearn project of Delhi University
  • Elearn project of NCERT[2]
  • Conducted two f2f L4C workshops at my college from 3-6 October, 2008 For details click here
  • Conducted two f2f workshops on Open Educational Resources - WikiEd09 (January 9 - 12, 2009) at Acharya Narendra Dev College. For details check here
  • Linux '09- Workshop on Linux, FOSS and Clustering - January 3 - 7, 2009 at Acharya Narendra Dev College. Check it out here
  • Conducted two more f2f workshops on Open Educational Resources - OER 09 (April 13-17, 2009) at South Campus, University of Delhi. For details click here
  • Conducted two parallel workshops on 'Easy Now' in collaboration with CEMCA - April 20 -25 2009 at Web Facilitation Centre, Acharya Narendra Dev Colllege
  • EasyNow 'Training of Trainers' workshop at WOU, Penang, Malaysia, June 2010
  • Mumbai University OER content development - two UG courses in Microeconomics and Soft Skills. October 2011.

Participants (most) at the Wikied08 Dr R Sreedher and Dr Savithri Singh with participants of Wikied '08

Attended Wikimania 07 at Taiwan, 2007

Presented a Paper at PCF5, London 2008
Conducted a Biotechnology workshop in college for Biology teachers of the various colleges of the University

Biolwrkshp.gif Dr Savithri Singh with participants of the Biotechnology Workshop

Deepawali Greetings to all

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Slides created from pictures taken at 'Songs of the Sea', Sentosa Island, Singapore, October 2008


Some pics I'd like to share

Click here for some pics

More pics at picasa

/For further Exploration

MySandbox: This is where I practice my editing and store things!!

Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg