আমি আবু নাহিন I am Abu Nahin

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আবু নাহিনের হোমপেজে স্বাগতম

Welcome to Abu Nahin's Home Page


Face-smile-big.svg I am a simple fun loving person
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IMG 5950.jpgMy Profile

I am fluent in written and spoken English and Bangla and can independently correspondence with the donor agencies as well. Though mainly I am not responsible to handle HR but I am fully acquainted and have confident to handle the Human Resources Policies as such the knowledge gathered because of my high interpersonal skill. I am also a member of recruitment committee of the organization. I have sound knowledge about the procedure of Import and Export which I have effort through academic by doing MBA.

I have over all knowledge on procurement related policies. Rupantar being a sea of employee having eight area office and vehicle pool a periodically procurement is made through dropping tender from the in listed vendors like as project materials, stationery and other musical instruments for Institute of Folk Theatre.
I have always maintain positive attitude towards job and responsibilities and willing to take challenge. As such I have to shoulder some additional responsibilities such as ensuring quality education and child rights for all children including extreme poor and excluded girls and boys and pave ways for them for the sake of good rapport of the organization

  • I have thorough 2(two) years of professional experience in M.Com on Management and look after all sorts of management activities. Even conducted the financial audit including such tests of the accounting records as deemed necessary under the circumstances and subsequently send report to the concern organization for further review and comments.
  • I have 8(eight) years of experience and currently working in Non-Government Organization name Rupantar as Finance and Administrative Officer (F&AO) and responsible to prepare budget of all project and proposal for more than 20(Twenty) big donors like, USAID, DFID, OXFAM, IOM, EU, CARE-B, SCF, CONCERN, PLAN-BANGLADESH, MANUSHERJONNO, VSO, SAWF-Srilanka and other donor agencies. Being a key person of the organization I have to maintain networking with the donor agencies, expatriate, LGED and other social organizations as well as local and foreign electronic media. Frequently corresponding with the Donors, Director of NGO Bureau in respect to take approval of fund to implement the project activities smoothly by maintaining strictly deadline to accomplish the project as per the dead line of the donors.
  • Overall Financial control of 49 project maintain with Standard Chartered Bank, IFIC, Bank Asia and Dutch Bangla Bank.
  • On regular basis I have to submit Financial Statements, Form FD-4 Certificate, Fund Accountability and reconciliation report to donor after completing the project.
  • Maintain Income Expenditure Account, Trial Balance, Budget Variance Report Bank reconciliation Statement to keep update finance department.
  • I am a hard working, dynamic, sincere, honest and dedicated to profession. I am also capable to work independently. I have very good interpersonal and communication skill, proactive, self motivated and target oriented able to demonstrate initiative. I have the ability to work in a team context with an innovative manner by maintaining hierarchical and philanthropy policy with our colleagues and peers.

Contact-new.svg Abu Nahin
IMG 5950.jpg
Employer:Rupantar [1]
Occupation:Program Coordinator
Other roles:Social Worker
Languages:Bangla, English
Bangladesh flag.gif.gif
This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.
bn This user is a native speaker of Bangla

Expertise.pngMy areas of expertise

Rupantar.jpg NGO Work:

GIFbutton.gif Finance Officer, Rupantar,
GIFbutton.gif Program Officer, Rupantar
GIFbutton.gif Program Coordinator, Rupantar 2009

About My Organization


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Rupantar is founded in 1992, and started its operations from 1995 in Khulna and Bagerhat district. At the beginning activities were mainly cultural; Rupantar activists performed theaters and popular folk music on various social issues.

The fundamental principal of Rupantar is based on the hypothesis that culture and sustainable development are closely connected. This connection is an emerging concept in the development world. Although the identity of a society is largely determined by its culture, yet is difficult for any society to have a static sense of the culture. Both society and culture are changing simultaneously.
Rupantar is registered as NGO in December 1992.
The field activities of Rupantar started in 1995 initially with cultural activities using alternative theatre, folk drama and popular publications for the grassroots poor male-female. Rupantar has always been implementing new activity with the past field experience and learning.
Rupantar to-day stands as a unique development organization with special characteristics towards contributing in mainstream development process in Bangladesh.

Rupantar started research with the local folk culture of the Sundarbans Region to find out the scope for mainstreaming the folk culture in development. After a great deal of research Rupantar identified a number of about to be extinct folk cultural media that were used as education and communication media in the past. These cultural media are being developed and updated to be used as communication media..Click here for more details about Rupantar

Bangladesh map.jpg About Bangladesh, my country

  • Official Name: People's Republic of Bangladesh
  • Capital: Dhaka
  • Ethnicity: Bengali 98%; tribal groups and non-Bengali Muslims 2%
  • Population: Approximately 150 million
  • Population Growth Rate: 1.9%
  • Life Expectancy: 63.5 years (male and female)
  • Religions: Muslim 88%; Hindu 11%; Christian, Buddhist, others 1%
  • Official Language: Bangla
  • Year of Independence: 1971 (from Pakistan)
  • Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
  • GNP Per Capita: $440
  • Annual Real Growth Rate of GDP: 6.3%
  • GDP Composition by Sector: Agriculture - 21%, Industry - 27%, Services - 52%
  • Adult Literacy: 41%, Male - 52%, Female - 29%

Sundorbon Vote.jpg 7 Wonders.jpg

My Sand Box

Wikieducator News and Events

Storytelling WiZiQ Meeting
Specialties.png Storytelling and Culture
Saturday, September 5, 2009
6:00pm GMT
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EL4C31 WiZiQ Meeting
Specialties.png Copyrighty Law in Education
Saturday, October 24, 2009
12:00 GMT
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Today is : 21, September 2024

Notes from my WikiNeighbours

  • Hello Nahin, your page is impressive! Cheers from your Wikineighbour. --Abdul Halim


Thank you for visiting my WikiEducator Page. Every Blessing