User:Leeming/UAP/Session 7

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SESSION 7 : Educational Resources 2 : Local content projects

Streaming: Mini projects. Participants choose. All afternoon

Lead developer: DL overall. GH leads school website. Ahapi lead developing training plan for multimedia tools.

Local content project work (afternoon) 3-4 elective sessions related to the morning's session. Participants can choose to spend the whole afternoon Local content project work: 3-4 elective sessions related to the morning's session. Participants can choose to spend the whole afternoon developing skills in one area and kickstart mini-projects to take back to their schools. These mini projects will depend on demand but will include:

  1. Wiki skills, collaborative content and lesson planning (derived from the UNESCO examples, with specially prepared Wikieducator pages).
  2. Starting school Wordpress websites and linked Facebook groups (option to use other website authoring tools). and or platforms requested by participants?
  3. Multimedia tools, ad-hoc training on Audacity, Powerpoint, GIMP, Android and Sugar apps; linked to use of the server.
  4. Form builders and e-data apps. Data Droid or Open Data Kit. Teachers can create surveys - students use apps to learn about action research

Worksheets for each application/tool (including apps and Sugar). They can test each one, and/or get into one in particular in more depth. Will be good suggest examples that cross reference tools and apps (ie use tablets to record, Audacity etc to edit. server to store, Youtube channel to upload etc). This training will be very student-centred

Please add your suggestions/bullet points below!

(include your initials so we know who added what)

  • Could add a 4th project on using