User:Leeming/UAP/Session 4

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SESSION 4 : Educational apps and content on tablets

Streaming: by Android ability (G1 - new to Android, G1 & G3 mixed ability)

Facilitators: G1 - YL, G2 - GH, G3 - DL. We can "float" around the groups and assist each other at times.

Lead developer: DL


  • We must make charging facilities available as the participants will have already received their tablets. We don't want them coming to this session with flat batteries. Alternatively we can consider not handing out tablets until this session (the downside is that they will need more 1:1 basic training).
  • We need to familiarize with the tablets and then agree the list of features to be included in the basic training topic (and checklist)
  • We need to all familiarize with the apps. this can be done together in a couple of hours or less.
  • We need to understand the curriculum so that we can guide them with their "curriculum matrices". We should consult VITE about this.
  • Garden Codes manuals will be used in these Topics. We will know where to put them when we get them.
  • Load all files and video guides on the COP.
  • Add some sort of assessment (such as self-assessment checklist after each Topic).
  • Must test server resources on tablets and Flash with Dolphin browser


  1. Android basics
    • Level - Basic
    • Duration - (the newbies will need most time, and less on the other topics)
    • Objectives
      1. to learn basic android skills as indicated on the checklist
    • Resources
      • A basic Android guide from the Internet (customized as necessary). Plus download video guides from Youtube.
      • Droid@Screen to project tablet screen (something simple to be installed on each facilitator's laptop)
      • Checklist of Android things the trainee needs to know
      • Charging trolleys and plug boards (the trolleys can be wheeled between the rooms so that everyone can see them)
      • Forum on the COP where they can ask any questions including during the sessions
    • Activities
      1. The facilitator introduces the whole module (short PP giving quick overview of each Topic. This arouses interest).
      2. The facilitator explains what will be learned in this first topic, referring to the checklist
      3. Participants are organized with their tablets (issued the day before) and handouts given out, charging facilities explained.
      4. Facilitator briefly demonstrate a batch of features to the full group, then participants start working through the checklist. Then repeat with more features as necessary. Will need a lot of 1:1 attention especially the newbies group.
      5. Learn how to use the browser and the PDF reader and eBook reader
      6. Learn how to use camera and other core apps
      7. Explain they can ask questions on the Forum (demonstrate it with projector)
  2. Educational apps and content on the tablets (using Garden Codes manuals)
    • Level - Basic
    • Duration -
    • Objectives
      1. to understand what an app is and be familiar with the apps on the tablets
      2. to know different ways in which the apps can be used for T & L, and to map them to those pedagogies (usage categories)
      3. to be familiar with the apps provided by TRR and on the tablets, and be able to map them to the curriculum
    • Resources
      • Droid@Screen for demos using projector
      • Checklist of all the apps (and the files) provided, with space for comments.
      • Handout with list of additional suggested apps
      • Brown paper and pens for group work
    • Activities
      1. What is an app? How do we use them? Short introductory talk about apps (can use PP and demos). Full group brainstorming of usage categories. Return to slide with main categories or write on brown paper and pin up on wall "Ways in which we can use apps in T & L"
      2. Familiarisation time. Participants work through the apps and write any comments on their hand out referencing usage categories and other observations relating to their teaching. If times is an issue we can number participants into groups i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4 and have 1's do apps starting with A to G, 2's doing F to L... etc. So that all apps have been assessed by at least some participants
      3. Repeat with the files (remind them and demonstrate the PDF reader and eBook reader)
      4. Exercise in groups of 4. Mapping apps to classroom and other educational practices (pedagogies).
        • Participants draw up a "matrix of teaching methods" on brown paper and agree on the main category for each app, and assign them in the appropriate columns. Write down the names of the apps and files/ebooks in different colours.
        • Repeat with a "curriculum" matrix. Write the curriculum topics along the top and write apps below them, as appropriate. Can be in more than one column.
        • Groups report back.
      5. General debriefing on their experiences (captured by a scribe). Participants can come to front and demonstrate using Droid@Screen if necessary.
      6. Additional apps.
        • Facilitator hands out list of additional apps. Asks if participants can suggest any more.
        • Demonstrate a few and tell them that they will learn how to add them in the next Topic
        • Homework: in the forum for this session, discuss ideas for teaching and learning with the apps. Discuss and issues and challenges.
  3. Finding and installing new apps
    • Level - Basic
    • Duration -
    • Objectives
      1. To be able to search for apps using Google Play, and install and remove them
      2. To be aware of how the school technical admin can install batches of apps using Garden Codes installer
    • Resources
      • Guides
      • List of additional apps as per previous Topic
      • An e-form for to be used for the exercise [The app to be used may be ODK Collect which has some excellent demonstration forms ready to go or Magpi. To be decided]
    • Activities
      1. Facilitator demonstrate searching and installing an app (Google Skymap)
      2. Suggest they search for and install at least 2 apps from Google Play. Must include Google Skymap and ODK Collect (or Magpi), Sugarizer (explain they will be used later)
      3. They can go outside and try Skymap. Return and discuss educational uses.
      4. Demonstrate the e-forms app and form builder. Participants download the form (very easy with ODK) on their tablets and use them in simulated survey (very briefly). Return and observe data collected on the aggregator. Explain that this is subject of the special project. If time is running short, this can be just a quick demo by the facilitator.
      5. Demonstrate how to install from an APK. Explain issues such as settings to allow apps to be installed from unknown sources.
      6. Demonstrate how a batch of APKs is installed. Explain that the school admins can be trained to do this during other sessions.
  4. Accessing server resources and online resources
    • Level - Basic / Intermediate
    • Objectives
      1. To be able to connect and access the gateway portal and log in.
      2. To navigate through the gateway and Internet
    • Resources
      • Dolphin app and possibly Adobe Flash app
      • Worksheet
    • Activities
      1. Demonstrate log in and navigation. Present list of features to navigate to, or hand out
      2. Exercise : participants follow the steps. Some more advanced tasks such as "quests" simulating student activities
  5. Tablet administration, maintenance and care
    • Resources
      • Handout
      • Trolleys
    • Activities
      1. Discussions and demonstrations:
        • Power management.
          • Battery life
          • Making sure class sets are fully charged when needed
          • Safety issues such as student use of power cords, extension cables etc
          • USB connectors fragility (participants try stacking the trolley)
        • Memory management
        • Update management
        • Care and handling
      2. Administrative issues (discussions)
        • Classroom management when using tablets
        • Out of class usage methods and policies
        • School policies and management of the ICTs
        • What to do when something goes wrong
  6. Special session: Introduction to SUGAR
    • If there is not enough time, this will be a quick demo and then the participants try the Sugarizer app. They can try Sugar in Weds afternoon projects session
    • Sugar is the OS developed originally with OLPC. It can now be installed as an Android app, run from a USB stick either in a virtual box in Windows or by booting. Sugar activities will greatly widen perspectives on use of educational apps. Contractors will provide all software and server resources for teachers to continue learning about Sugar.
    • Objectives
      • Understand Sugar is an alternative environment that uses educational apps - but based much more on active, collaborative, constructivist and discovery learning
      • Be able to launch Sugar from the live USB with Virtualbox and by booting from the USB
      • To be able to navigate Sugar sufficiently and start and stop Activities
    • Resources
      • Installation files LinuxLiveUSB and SOAS on server
      • Participants will use the PC computers
    • Activities
      1. Facilitator demonstrates launching Sugar
        • Explain home view and apps (Activities)
        • Explain the 4 views
        • Launch a couple of apps such as Speak, TamTam, Write, Sound, Turtle Art
        • Connect to Sugarlabs and download Poll
        • Explain how to install Sugar on a Stick
      2. Exercise: Participants install and try SOAS
      3. Try Sugarizer app on the tablets

Please add your suggestions/bullet points below!

(include your initials so we know who added what)

Other apps we can suggest - pls add

  • Google Skymap
  • Wi-Fi analyser
  • Skype
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader (much better than PDF reader)
  • News apps, especially regional, government apps, regional org apps
  • RealCalc
  • Exchange Rates
  • Flash Player
  • Dolphin browser to view Flash
  • File commander
  • Bluetooth file transfer
  • Earthquake Alert and other disaster apps
  • Creating apps (painting, annotating, etc
  • ODK Collect (create e-forms) or other e-data Data Droid etc
  • ocloud for owncloud (to access ownCloud from tablets) [GH]
  • ADManager Plus (to help do some basic task on the Active Directory central user database. It's a work in progress and not a full solution to manage users and groups but you can already edit some user properties and reset passwords, add users to groups, remove users from groups, list users, list groups and see their membership. It can be useful and much more convenient then getting on the command line or starting Windows just for some minor light tasks) [GH]
  • (This is a useful app to test speed of Internet, especially useful to supervisors of Internet service)