User:Lbrown Foothill GreenSheet

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  Instructional Team Message  

Welcome back! 

This year we will not only focus on where we come from, yet also emphasize where we want to go.  We can use our experiences to reach our goals.  Our role is to help you access the resources and tools you need to achieve success.  

Staff Team Members

Teaches: Mr. Samuel Hoult, Ms. Mitzi Merek and Ms. La Toya Brown

Paraeducators: Yolanda, Selena, David

Tanae, Counselor / Therapist

BCBA (Behavior Coach Analyst)

Principal, Mrs. Hilary Crissinger

Learning Objectives

  • To acquire the necessary skills and academic background to be successful both academically and professionally.
  • To recover credits to earn a GED 
  • To develop essential skills for career readiness

Classroom Rules

Together we will make a community commitment to:

  • Have mutual respect and freedom from unnecessary distractions.
  • Positively exchange ideas without put downs or critism; for every complaint you make you must offer a solution that benefits all
  • Be open to learning together. Our classroom will be free from engaging in side conversations, cell phone use and no interest in participating in meaningful discussion

Be Responsible

  • Arrive to class on time
  • Make your best effort to complete your work
  • Follow directions
  • Stay on task
  • Participate in class discussions and stay on topic
  • When you don't understand, ask questions

Helpful Links: Tips on how to be Responsible

4 Tips to Deal With Frustrating People

Frustration - 8 Ways to Deal With It

A simple way to break a bad habit-Ted Talks video

How to learn? From mistakes-Ted Talks video

Be Safe

  • Maintain personal space -to get your message across use your words not your body
  • Don't share your personal information on the internet
  • Refrain from Cell Phone Use To preserve the safety of all, and to minimize distractions, you are not allowed to bring your cell phone into the classroom.  Please remind your family and friends to respect your time for learning at school.  Use of your cell phone during instruction will result in immediate confiscation.
  • If you need to take a 4 minute break then tell an instructional team member, and then take your break

Helpful Links: Tips on how to be Safe

Safe Internet Use

What’s Your Anger Style - Sixteen ways to manage your frustration, whether you have a quick temper or a biting sense of humor.

How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed-Ted Talks video

Key Words: recline; hippocampus; brain; cortisol; proxy; cholestoral; cardiovascular disease; stroke; statents; fecal; incontinence

Be Respectful

  • Work quietly; do not disturb others
  • Raise your hand before you speak, during whole group class discussions
  • Listen when others are speaking

Helpful Links: Tips on how to be Respecful

Manners Matter Basic Rules For Digital Citizenship

Social media manners matter, job recruiters Say

Social Media for Career Development

Waste Management and Recycling

How to speak so that people want to listen -Ted Talks video

Entering / Exiting the Classroom

Entering the Classroom

You will…

  • Greet adults using polite etiquette/manners and handshake (e.g. Good Morning / Good Afternoon)
  • Walk quietly and safely into the classroom

-don't touch anyone; don't touch anything; don't pick up things that don't belong to you

  • Quietly, gather materials from assigned folder / shelf

-don't touch anyone; don't touch anything; don't pick up things that don't belong to you

  • Go to assigned seat

-don't touch anyone; don't touch anything; don't pick up things that don't belong to you

  • Wait for directions

Exiting the Classroom

You will...

  • Push in chair
  • Return materials to assigned folder / shelf
  • Notify an adult that you are leaving using polite etiquette/manners and handshake
  • Walk quietly and safely
  • Greet adults using polite etiquette/manners and handshake (e.g. Have a nice day)
  • Leave classroom quietly and safely

Assigned Seating

You will have assigned seating during whole group, small group and independent seat work. 

Exceptions: sometimes one of our community members may need space when they are frustrated.  So we will respect their emotions and give them space. 

Mail Sorter

 Will include the names of all Teachers and Para’s/Aides, and Specialists

Student’s Journal

Learning Goal: Write routinely over extended periods of time on demand

Students will be journaling in their notebooks daily.  They will need to write a minimal of a 5 sentence paragraph daily 

The teacher or para/aide will then be assigned students to write back to. 

The student will be directed to place their journal notebook in the teacher/aides mailbox.

The teacher/aide will then write a 5 sentence response within 24 hours

Writing Topics

1)    On a scale of 1 to 5 how are you feeling today?

2)    Mindful Moments

3)    Respond to an adult

4)    __

Classroom Rules

·        Microwave not for student use

·        Classroom bathroom not for student use 

Note Taking

We will be using Cornell Note-taking strategies

Remember, this classroom is your safe environment to grow and evolve 


Pencils should be sharpened either during the 1stsixty secondsof class, or when instruction is not in session

Dull pencils will be placed in DULL PENCIL container during non-instructional time.

Foothill Annex SCCOE


Reflection Form

Is only used for 15 minute time away

Pink form is for reflection

Check In Form

Blue form for is for check in

When a student leaves the campus without permission the following occurs:

Phone call to 311 Community Resource Officer

Phone call home

When student returns they will be required to complete 15 minutes

Suicide Attempts / Threats / Warnings

Requires a 911 phone call for suicide and violence

If student wants to call their parents then immediately notify the therapist

Grading Policy

To ensure that you earn your GED you will need to come to school every day, try your best, and demonstrate an understanding of the academic learning. You will also need to actively participate in your learning. 

A : 90 - 100%       I have attained excellent mastery of objectives.

B  : 80 - 89%        I have attained above average mastery of objectives

C : 70 - 79%         I have not has attained minimal mastery of objectives.

D : 60 - 69%         I have not attained minimal mastery of course objectives.

F : Below 60%    I have attained minimal mastery of course objectives.

 == Classroom Protocols (Routines) == 

 Your learning experience is very important. Adhering to common courtesy on the part of both the teacher(s) and the students will enhance the success of this class.  

=== === 

Daily Schedule

(Includes Hourly Check In’s)

  1. Students arrive (8:00 AM - 8:30 AM)
  2. Morning Check In & Learning Skills/IEP Goals (8:30 AM - 9:00 AM)
  3. Writing On Demand prompt
  4. English Language Arts
  5. Lunch
  6. Academic Instruction or Project Based Learning (PBL)

1st Two Weeks of School

Day 1

Principal will review the following with all students

Cell phone use policy

General Behavioral Management

Reflection procedures

Helpful Links



Grand Challenges

Class Syllabus