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Kaf, I bought some medicine from the Chemist and have taken some Aloe Vera Juice so am feeling much better. Indeed Skype is very useful especially in African nations where international and local calls are very expensive.

GabKon (talk)08:40, 19 March 2011

Gab,it`s unfortunate that in Africa or I can say in Zimbabwe to be more specific, set up cost for ICT is too high for an ordinary entrepreneur hence most small businesses are still lagging behind. Majority of small businesses in Africa do not yet prefer use of skype, facebook and other social sites. It is also equally important that entrepreneurs are advised on scams associated with these. But ICT social tools are great if properly handled.

Tatenda (talk)02:40, 21 March 2011

Tatenda, it's good to hear from the challenges faced in Africa and in Zim specifically. I hope with time that a number of Africans will see the usefulness of using Skype, Facebook and other social network sites. In Zambia at the moment one of the mobile phone providers has a facility where subscribers can access Facebook for free. Imagine how much of a boost this is for business? But I also know that in Zim you are now able to access Internet on mobile phones. That is a great way forward for easing communication among entrepreneurs.

GabKon (talk)08:45, 21 March 2011