Use of induction MOOC - before or after syncronous conversation with new members

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Hi there, I just wanted to note that based on recent experiences inducting and mentoring new members i think that the induction MOOC idea which has tasks that introduce new folks to a lot of new technologies over a short span of a week - that this will work well when offered after (not before) a syncronous virtual induction conversation where via skype or google hangouts etc you can meet some people and have a conversation about new members organisational and personal goals for joining. And a bit of a step through how the different techs are used and why. If the Induction MOOC was going to be used in lieu of the conversation then i would want the activiteis to be quite different and be about introducing people and benefits of being in the parternship and what might be things to get out of it to guide activity. Regards, Sarah

Slambert (talk)15:27, 30 July 2015

Thanks Sarah,

That's good advice. In the OERu context, when running an induction mOOC I would hope that we could start with at least two synchronous web sessions before commencing with any activities. These sessions should, as you recommend start with a conversation with the members.

The learning challenges would be simple things to help members get started with the community, for example creating an account on our site, reading a few post and "liking" one which they found interesting. Or filling out a profile page in the wiki. We aim to keep things simple - think of the induction mOOC as a neighbourly welcome showing new members where a few things are in the neighbourhood and the opportunity to meet a few of the OERu community leaders.

I should also say that as educational designers supporting our institutions in developing online learning materials - we should have the experience and skills to design an independent study version of the induction mOOC as well.

Mackiwg (talk)15:57, 30 July 2015