Talk:Warrington School/About

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Charter ideas020:20, 8 April 2009
Using the open source concept to untangle the thoughts and create shared goals214:25, 29 June 2008

Charter ideas

The staff discussed in depth where we are heading with our charter. The area that caused the greatest discussion was over the values. Excellence was the first on the list, was this really what we always wanted - it was felt that excellence was a good value but at times we didn't want or expect excellence of either ourselves or our pupils. Sometimes it is good to be mediocre to be contented with what we are doing, how it is being done. We also talked about whose values, all our values are different. People with small children had dreams, expectations of their children - strive to be an all black, be the most amazing swimmer but in reality what we want when our dreams or desires were not met the thing we wanted for our children was well-being. Not happiness as this was not always achievable either - but well-being.

Rekrapenator (talk)20:20, 8 April 2009

Using the open source concept to untangle the thoughts and create shared goals

The fear of placing ideas into the public arena will be that they are not well formulated or worse they will never get heard or seen. Creating a publicly viewable calendar allows for accountability of all who view or allowed to share? Using the school google calendar that all have access to will mean there is both a time frame and goal that can't be denied?

Rekrapenator (talk)21:18, 22 June 2008

Speaking from our experiences here at WikiEducator -- having a planned schedule with milestones linked to dates is very useful. Google calendar is .an excellent tool for this purpose -- just go for it. The more avenues the school uses to publish it's work the better.

One of the essential freedoms associated with the free software movement is that the source code is open -- Successful open source software developments release early (while code is still beta or not polished well) and release frequently. In this way projects foster a community of developers that help with code development. The scrutiny of many eyes builds quality through multiple iterations

I think Warrington is a leading example of the open approach where ideas are discussed openly recognizing that by working together we can achieve more than working alone.

Mackiwg (talk)03:45, 23 June 2008

I suppose my nagging doubts are that by placing ideas/thoughts into the wiki are that they are;

  • inappropriate - maybe going off "half cocked"
  • they will cause offense, someone will feel un-consulted, left out or take the idea the wrong way
  • the idea may not express the sentiments of all
  • make me feel a little like dancing nude at a funeral (not that i have ever done this)

But then i try to think of any other tool that allows for so many to contribute in such an open manner - there isn't one so even if the ideas are going to cause any of the above the process of open collaboration addresses these nagging doubts. Also if all humans had a vehicle to harness their good ideas for the benefit of others we would surely be working in a more creative world.

I can now see the importance of being able to teach others how to use the wiki, the increased input from many minds adds so much, and unlike in the past where just a few people had access to the controlling visions i.e Web sites, now anyone with access to the internet has the ability to collaborate.

Therefore the ability to allow people in our community without the internet assisted access; through free Gnu/Linux running computers into their homes or through using the facilities of institutions such as ours.

Rekrapenator (talk)14:25, 29 June 2008