Talk:Facilitating Online/Mini Conference

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Jane's mini-conference taking time over Delicious and Twitter, a general discussion on other tools


I have just been tweeted that blogs are becoming less popular as they are so arduous to maintain especially when people also have facebook and twitter to keep going. Microbloging is becoming a preference for many and so my mini-conference may just be a handy stimulant for those of us not quite bought into twitter yet.

Vasi has taken to Twitter like a duck to water and created her own daily 'twitper' come and learn how and why and what response she is getting from people signed on.

Well, I think they will be around for some time to come, is this really a face off between Facebook and Blogger I wonder?

So tomorrow at 4pm NZ time in Elluminate as per my earlier comments. Look forward to 'seeing'you there.


Jane scripps (talk)16:48, 8 November 2010

My mini conference idea


Hi all,

Honestly I am a little unsure of what would be a good idea for my mini conference topic.  I am a little worried about burdening people with asking them to present.  However I was contemplating facilitating a mini conference around 'getting students to engage online', with specific reference to engaging on elluminate.  I have discussed this with another lecturer who may be able to present.  What do you think? How mini is mini? I would like to present on Friday 12th November. 

I would welcome your feedback.

Jade Wratten

Jade (talk)22:40, 25 October 2010

Hi Jade, I think your topic sounds great. I would be intersted in attending. I have not used Elluminate as an Educator but have used the online environment to engage midwifery students - most where very keen to use it, even those with limited experience in the online world. I just had to make the reason to access the online environment interesting enough for them to engage. Just wondering if your 10am time slot is in NZ time as that makes it 8am in Brisbane (I think?) Jillian

J C064 (talk)20:36, 26 October 2010

Thanks for that. I didn't even think of the time difference. I have changed it to 11am NZ time, but I could propably stretch it out further to 11.30am. Thanks again. Jade

Jade (talk)17:41, 27 October 2010

Hi Jade, I am afraid your 11am time slot clashes with Kim et al. As they set their time first, can you change yours again. Sorry about that  :)

SarahStewart (talk)10:10, 31 October 2010

Hi Jade, this sounds like a good topic to me and I would also like to attend. I have used Elluminate quite a lot for meetings at work, and a little in teaching. But I would find it useful to hear about/ discuss ways that it can be used more effectively in a learning environment. Karen

Karenjwilson (talk)13:54, 1 November 2010

Karen's Online Event


Hi all I am planning to focus my session around developing a successful blog, delivered via Ellluminate. The guest speaker Marcus Wilson (who happens to be my husband!) will talk with the group about his experience with blogging. He has a widely read blog called 'Physics Stop' and another blog that he contributes to regularly as part of a group called 'Teaching Talk'.
I would like to make this as relevant as possbile to those who attend, therefore am asking for ideas on what you think it would be useful to cover. Questions that I may focus the session around are:
How do you address a community/ audience that you don't have a full handle on?
How can you make your blog attractive and engaging?
What are some of the key principles/ rules to follow to make a blog successful?
How do you attract people to your blog?
How can you encourage people to comment and connect?

Please leave your ideas on what YOU would like to hear about, either here, or on my blog (I'm going to put a posting up about this soon!)

Karenjwilson (talk)10:08, 28 October 2010

Karen I am really keen to hear how Marcus encourages people to comment and connect, is there a secret?

Kimmymc (talk)02:12, 29 October 2010

Hi Kim, really good question and one I'm sure Marcus will be happy to discuss - although I am sure he would say himself that comments/ people connecting through his blog is something that there is a lot of room for improvement on.

Karenjwilson (talk)13:47, 1 November 2010

I think you've got most of the questions I would ask, especially in view of the fact you only have an hour. I don't think we've done very well with our blogging this year so I think this session will be really useful for us all  :)

SarahStewart (talk)10:06, 31 October 2010

Kim Mc's thinking out loud on Voicethread


I have posted details of my mini-conference event on the Mini-conf page and am keen for everyone to participate in the current Voicethread 'the highs and lows of online learning'. The link for 'How can YOU use Voicethread?' will be posted on Nov 1st for comment.

Is there any further info that anyone requires to participate. I am contactable on email or at my blog or you can write questions or comments here. I will respond as soon as I can.

Kimmymc (talk)02:09, 29 October 2010

The main think I think you have to think about is how to keep the conversation going after the initial interest - what do you think?

SarahStewart (talk)10:07, 31 October 2010

I think I need to respond to the people who have connected with me , by participating in/commenting on my Vt (currently that is Carole, yourself and Jane). Rather than waiting for others to comment I need to work with what I have got. I am considering whether I can do this in Vt or if I should pull the conversation into a blogpost.

Kimmymc (talk)23:25, 31 October 2010

Pulling It All Together With Karen, Mark and Tracy

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 07:39, 31 October 2010

You are warmly invited to our

Wrapping it Up: Reflecting on FO2010  Pulling it all together Mini Conference[edit]

with Tracy Pemberton, Karen Humber and Mark Spain

November 12 at 11:00am NZ for 90mins

To connect with each other one last time before the end of FO2010, share our joys and challenges and plans for the future.


  • Provide a safe and trusting online space for small and large group facilitated deep listening and story telling via Skype
    * Record key insights and emerging priorities from small groups to share with large group using the online collaboration tool iMEET!
    * To personally and collectively explore the following three themes:

        1. What was exciting for you about participating in FO2010? What got your creative juices flowing?
        2. What intrigued and surprised you? What things were you not prepared for? What unexpected openings emerged for you?

After we have reflected on these two questions we will invite each of us to then listen to what is arising:

        3. What next steps are emerging for you to take next in your journey as an online facilitator?

  • Debrief the 90min gathering and collect the feedback from all participants on what worked well and specifically identifying good practices for online facilitators
    * Provide each participant with a rich mutually agreed record of the gathering

How to register and participate:
Go to the FO2010 wiki mini-conference site at
and add your name, email, skype and blog address to the participants list.
Tracy, Karen and Mark will skype your address to start the conference.
You will also receive the logon details to iMEET! once you have registered. You only need a web browser to use iMEET!
Please register at the latest by one day prior to the mini-conference.

How to prepare:
Be ready to listen deeply to others stories and share your own. Be ready to have some fun building community with other new and more experienced online facilitators. Participate in Kim Mc's Thinking Out Loud on Voicethread mini conference.

Welcome email:
Once you have registered, Tracy, Karen and Mark will send you an email with instructions on how to logon to iMEET! You are then free to practice on the site and explore each agenda item and the collaboration tools. The agenda is setup in the collaboration space.
You will also be invited to have a personal demonstration of iMEET! with skype support if you would like to prepare more thoroughly for the meeting. There will be a demonstration of iMEET! in the first session of the mini-conference but you do need to have logged on prior to the meeting. The facilitators will be unable to help you once the mini-conference starts.

If you have any questions please contact Tracy, Karen or Mark.
We look forward to meeting with you.

Tracy, Karen and Mark

Tracy Pemberton (talk)14:29, 12 October 2010

We are at the beginning stages of planning an opportunity for FO2010 participants to reflect on the course, harvest what has shifted and ponder what you will do next.  We're hoping to hold the event in multiple - at least two platforms in a participatory, inclusive manner.  One of these platforms will be new. 

Our question at the moment is:  What would entice you - FO2010 participant, presenter or follower to attend our event?

Khumber (talk)07:14, 13 October 2010

Hello chaps. I am not going to be able to attend at the time you have put here. If you are wanting certificates of attendance, it may be better if I can come. Is there another time you can manage?

SarahStewart (talk)10:27, 16 October 2010

Much better time. Thanks for that. Look forward to attending.

SarahStewart (talk)11:24, 18 October 2010

Perfect Sarah! Glad you are onboard. Do you have any burning quesions about this course?

Khumber (talk)11:15, 19 October 2010

I think it is really important to support each other so I will try to attend as many mini conferences as possible. For me the biggest factor is the timing. I have 4 kids and so school drop off times rule me out completely (8-9am & 2.30 - 3.30pm Brisbane time) I am aware that everyone has timing issues so I will do my best. I struggled with the whole time thing myself - I wanted to do the conference when I had  no kids around, fitting in work etc - Cheers Jillian

J C064 (talk)20:43, 26 October 2010

Your event sounds like a really good opportunity to reflect and plan ahead. I have put the 9am time slot into my calendar & am looking forward to it. I am keen to know what the new platform will be.

Kimmymc (talk)19:01, 27 October 2010

Looking forward to this. Have just tidied up a couple of small details on the main wiki page. cheers Sarah

SarahStewart (talk)10:00, 31 October 2010

Jillian Clarke's - Starting an online discussion forum for health professionals in a large organisation


My mini conference will be looking at the process, benefits and restrictions in trying to develop an online discussion forum for  multi disciplinary maternity health professionals in a large organisation (my organisation is a QLD health). I have come across many road blocks and am undecided about which platform to use, whether to use an existing one, whether to use an intranet platform (only accessible at work) or use a well known, already established platform that will immediatey provide numbers. My research so far has shown that despite people thinking it is a good idea, most people are reluctant to engage  or appathetic which means only a select few do and this stifles the discussion. I am concerned about confidentiality issues if I keep it within the facility and that people don't really have the time at work to reflect and engage in discussions, so can see the benfit for having the platform off site. I would love to chat to anyone and am very open to  suggestions. I would like to hold a synchronous event which would include people who have tried to set a similar forum up and have  or have not been successful - there tips, advice and what they found worked. I would also like people who have participated in a discussion forum in a large organisation to give their feedback as well. Looking forward to your thoughts.

J C064 (talk)01:48, 10 September 2010

Hi Jillian, I too am interested in your question. I wonder if the reluctance to participate could be linked to the quality of the invitation and the level of commitment it offers potential participants to sign up for. It could also be linked to familiarity and ease of use of the tools required to participate. The other thing I often think is unclear is the level of participation expected of a participant. Am I being invited to: listen to an expert, listen to other people discuss a topic, contribute my own ideas, ask questions, receive feedback on my questions, listen to responses to other people's questions, share my reflections and insights on the patterns I see emerging in the conversation, listen to other people sharing their reflections and insights, voting on topics, making group decisions, collaborate with others to work together on a project, make an agreement to meet again?

Markspain (talk)14:14, 5 October 2010

Sounds like a fabulous discussion - good luck  :)

SarahStewart (talk)10:31, 16 October 2010

Hi Jillian, this sounds like a really impoartant question to address and think it sounds great that you have linked the event to a problem you are having that you want to work through. Although I'm not working in an organisation like yours (i.e. a large organisation of health professionals), I would find it really useful to attend your event from the perspective of an educator, and considering how students can be encouraged to engage in online discussion more. Will look forward to it. Karen Wilson

Karenjwilson (talk)17:54, 25 October 2010

Well as always happens, when you start to delve into a problem, new ideas and opportunities arise. While this mini confernce was going to be about devolping an online discussion forum for multi-disciplinary maternity health professionals in an as yet to be decided platform, I came across what appears to be the perfect platform - ClinEdQ (An Education and Trainng platform that also has the facility to set up a online virtual CoP (Community of practice), blogging, e-portfolio etc. Unbeknown to me, my organisation has had a project in place and is about to unleash this new platform across the state for all public health organisations - yippee!!! So this has changed my plans slightly. I now don't have to search for the right platform and have decided to look at the opportunities and challenges arising from introducing a virtual education and training portal into a large government organisation.
Date and Time: Monday, 1st November, 2010, 11 – 12md Brisbane time or 1.00 - 2.00pm NZ time
Facilitator: Jillian Clarke (Contact details) & Malcolm Lewis (Contact details)
Presenter: Kayleen Gordon
Venue: Elluminate
Description: Do you want to gain an understanding about the opportunities and challenges that impact on participants uptake and engagement in a new education and training e-platform - join us here
Back Up Plan: If there is a total IT failure, we will record another presenter session on Elluminate and open an asynchronous discussion over the next week.
Recording Information: Will be recorded and available on the course wiki
Evaluation: Survey available at the end of the session to provide feedback to facilitators.

Please join us for what I hope will be a stimulating presentation and discussion.


J C064 (talk)20:30, 26 October 2010

What a fantastic idea. I would be interested in knowing about a discussion forum for multi-diciplinarian maternity health professionals. I am a midwife too. I can understand the potential barriers you talk about. Sometimes these discussions can spiral and get out of control with the different philiosophies between professionals. But ironing some of those issues out could leave a fantastic tool and could have huge benefits. I would be interested in the virtual education and training portal. Sounds very advanced for me so I'm sure I will learn loads. Jade

Jade (talk)17:50, 27 October 2010

On-line facilitation tools; a delicatessen of options : it's decision time.


Jane Scripps's - Setting up an on-line debate that can be attended and asychronistically contributed to.

This mini-conference/debate will provide 2 teams with a pre-determined set of on-line tools that they are asked to champion, the rest of the contributors are asked to vote on which team sells their set best. This idea presented itself as I continually find myself in a a virtual deli and ask which ones of the many do I put together to get the most out of? I don't have the answer but would like people with experience and knowledge to contribute so that people like me can learn. The facilitator will be the chairperson I think [advice please]. I will ask people on the course, I need 3 per team, to volunteer and gather together using skype or eluminate say to prepare; I will need to facilitate this, to ensure we are ready. I hope that this mini-conference/debate will provide some confidence and clues for course participants as they complete the course and really need gems to continue with. I think each team needs one person who is a guest specialist, I will ask Vasi if she is prepared to be one and wonder who else would be willing to be approached.

Over to you Sarah for your thoughts on the above.

Jane scripps (talk)12:10, 7 October 2010

This sounds like a great idea, Jane, but I am concerned you are making things complicated for yourself - is there any way you can simplfy things a tad?

SarahStewart (talk)10:29, 16 October 2010

Sounds like a great idea. I know what you mean- an assortment of choices - where to from here??? I am keen to join your session.

Cheers Jillian

J C064 (talk)20:45, 26 October 2010