OERu (Open planning pages)

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Official Website | 5 Things you should know about the OERu network plan | Founding anchor partner statements


Who we are

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The OERu is a virtual collaboration of like-minded institutions committed to creating flexible pathways for OER learners to gain formal academic credit. The OERu aims to provide free learning opportunities to all students worldwide using OER learning materials with pathways to gain credible qualifications from recognised education institutions. It is based on the community service and outreach mission to develop a parallel learning universe to augment and add value to traditional delivery systems in post-secondary education. Through the community service mission of participating institutions we will open pathways for OER learners to earn formal academic credit and pay reduced fees for assessment and credit.

What we do

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Directed by the core principles of engagement the OERu collaboration:
  • Will design and implement a parallel learning universe to provide free learning opportunities for all students worldwide with pathways to earn credible post-secondary credentials.
  • Offer courses and programs based solely on OER and open textbooks.
  • Design and implement scalable pedagogies appropriate for the OER university concept.
  • Will implement scalable systems of volunteer student support through community service learning approaches.
  • Coordinate assessment and credentialising services on a cost recovery basis for participating education institutions to ensure credible qualifications and corresponding course articulation among anchor partners.


OERu partners

Founding anchor partners (current)

Flag of New Zealand.svg OER Foundation (non-teaching)
Flag of Canada.svg BCcampus (non-teaching)

See: Founding anchor partner statements

Anchor partners (current)


Commonwealth of Learning

List of anchor partners and sponsors



June 2015

National Open University of Nigeria.jpg
The National Open University of Nigeria has become the third African OERu partner.

October 2014

The University of the Highlands and Islands.png
The University of the Highlands and Islands is Scotland's first OERu partner.

August 2014

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University claims accolade of first OERu partner from the Middle East.

July 2014

The Open University confirms decision to join the OERu.

International media | Archive


OERU planning discussions

Join the OERu group.

Failed to load RSS feed from https://groups.google.com/forum/feed/oeru/msgs/rss_v2_0.xml: There was a problem during the HTTP request: 404 Not Found


Live microblog feed


Jim Tittsler 🗼  @jimt
I don't think UTAS was ever an #OERu partner, but they did host the 2014 in-person meeting (after an Australian OER symposium). I didn't get to attend the meeting, but I walked past the venue...

Stephen  @stephenharlow
@cogdog I did install your ds106bank theme at https://cettl.net and talked with the good folks at the #OERu about their #NZEXT101 course https://course.oeru.org/nzext101... but because my audience is...

Stephen  @stephenharlow
@cogdog I did install your ds106bank theme at https://cettl.net and talked with the good folks at the #OERu about their #NZEXT101 course https://course.oeru.org/nzext101... but because my audience is...

Dave Lane  @lightweight
This is test category for WEnotes: This is another post to see if @cogdog ’s Fediverse follow is working…

Dave Lane  @lightweight
This is test category for WEnotes: This is another test post that, I think, should be posted in the feeds of any Fediverse followers…

Dave Lane  @lightweight
This is test category for WEnotes: And this is a test post to make sure that the ActivityPub integration works How does it handle a #hastag , I wonder?

Dave Lane  @lightweight
The prattle sandbox forum (used for testing): And another test of WEnotes, this time watching from a different server…

Dave Lane  @lightweight
The prattle sandbox forum (used for testing): Here’s another test of WEnotes…

Dave Lane  @lightweight
The prattle sandbox forum (used for testing): This is another important test of the WEnotes infrastructure

Dave Lane  @lightweight
This is test category for WEnotes: This is just a test, to see if our WEnotes harvester for Discourse is working properly