Learning and Teaching in Practice/Module 1 portfolio activities/archiveNov2013

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If you started the course before October 2013, you can use these Portfolio activities if you wish.

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Learning Outcome
Your portfolio must demonstrate that you:
  • Recognise, value and utilise students' cultural orientation, prior learning, learning preferences/styles, and numeracy and literacy needs by providing a diverse range of activities and opportunities to encourage deep learning.

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Portfolio activity for: Learner Preferences

Develop a learner profile for a group of your learners.

  • Prepare this in diagrammatic form and explain what it means on your blog.
  • Do you think your learning preferences impact on your teaching style?
  • Bring your views about learner preferences, learning styles inventories and your learner profile to the Moodle discussion forum.
  • Prepare a written reflection about the key points made in the discussion.

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Portfolio activity for: Literacy and Numeracy

Knowing your students' literacy and numeracy skills
  1. In your blog describe which approaches you currently use to get a snapshot of your learners' literacy and numeracy skills.
  2. Share at least three things you have learned about your students' skills from using these approaches.
  3. Discuss the challenges with meeting the literacy and numeracy needs of your students.

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Portfolio activity for: Expert Learners

How can you develop as an expert learner?
  • Reflect on all the characteristics that you already have as an expert learner.
  • Discuss what is missing and why.
  • How will you develop skills to strengthen these characteristics?
  • Post this reflective discussion to your blog.
  • Share a link to your post on the Moodle discussion forum, posing a stimulus question or statement to the class to interest them in your perspective.

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Portfolio activity for: Diversity

Describe an example in your context where you believe that access to learning may be compromised or inequitable.
  • Reflect on factors of diversity associated with your students that impact on equitable access to the environment and their success.
  • This may relate to the subject, resources, technologies, learning culture, socio-economics, ethnicity, assessments, learner motivation, engagement and abilities etc.
  • Discuss what your learners might need to access the learning environment more fully, and what you can provide.
  • What are the barriers?
  • What support is needed?
  • Add to your portfolio - your explorations, descriptions, discussions and reflections.

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Portfolio activity for: Maori Learners

Decide how you might use the Whanau Group method and four models:
  • to support your Maori learners and facilitate their success; and
  • for designing learning activities that acknowledge diversity.
  • Add your discussion about this to your blog.

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Portfolio activity for: Pasifika Learners

Reflect on the material about Pasifika learners.
  • What can you do to develop rapport with your Pasifika learners?
  • How can you create a learning environment that is supportive for Pasifika learners' success?
  • Add your discussion about this to your blog.

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Learning outcomes
Your portfolio must demonstrate that you:
  • Adopt sound pedagogical practices that reflect a comprehensive understanding of adult learning approaches needed to engage learners.
  • Critique a variety of feedback models/processes in order to provide clear, constructive feedback to support and advance student learning.

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Portfolio Activity

Demonstrate an understanding of different learning theories.
  • Explore the reading material.
  • On your blog discuss the learning theory associated with at least two examples of learning design in your course (including content, activities, interactions and assessments).

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Portfolio Activity

  • Prepare a reflection about how you might use online, blended or open pedagogy.
  • Discuss how e-portfolios could be used to set up your personal learning environment (PLE) and how this relates to online pedagogy?
  • Post to your blog.

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Portfolio Activity

  • Examine each of the four adult development theories outlined in Baumgartner.
  • Which one best matches your philosophy of teaching?
  • Discuss the implications for your teaching practice on your blog, and share on the Moodle discussion forum for this module.

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Portfolio Activity


Describe and justify some pedagogical approaches that you could use in your teaching practice to facilitate adult learners.

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Portfolio Activity

Feedback Models
  • In a blog posting describe one feedback model you have researched and explain its usefulness in you particular context.

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Portfolio Activity

Critical thinking
  • Record your views about the concepts of critical thinking, on your blog.
  • Why do you believe critical thinking is important for student learning?
  • Share your views on the Moodle discussion forum.

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