Interview skills/Content and readings/Fall 2017/Week 2

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Week 1 + Week 2 - Pre-Interview: Research Thyself, Research Employers

Research Your Background, Skills & Experience

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Tip: A vital, often overlooked part of the interview process is researching your own background, skills and experience to create stories that succinctly communicated what you've achieved in quantifiable and qualitative terms, who it has impacted, and why it was important. These are called CAR Stories (Challenge, Action, Results).



Develop CAR Stories

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Tip: Regardless of the acronym used (CAR, PAR, STAR, SOAR), these stories are a powerful way of communicating your experience and 'can-do' abilities - in your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and in behavioral interviews.


Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers)

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Tip: Practice answering some of these standard interview questions. Preparation is the key to success!



Research Employers - Candidate + Hiring Manager's Perspective

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Tip: As you are researching the organization on LinkedIn, DO NOT ask for connections to people who you don't know. You could seriously jeopardize your chances of success - because you don't know them.

Researching employers (organizations) you want to work for is also very important. It gives you insight into the news, leadership and financial health of the organization, the strategic priorities, values and mission and culture. Also, you can learn about the products and services the organization provides and its key stakeholder audiences. An important resource is the Information Interview with someone who works in the organization, who can give you insight into the company culture, its hiring practices, norms and expectations. Also of importance is the Organization Chart, as well as an organization's employees on LinkedIn. You can learn about job titles and responsibilities, who reports to whom, career paths, and more.


Managing Your Expectations

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Tip: The average time to hire is 44 business days

Preparing yourself for interviews is also about managing your expectations throughout the hiring process. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Throughout the interview process, candidates have to take care of themselves mentally, emotionally and physically to ensure peak performance and recall of important facts and responses. There will be times that you perform your best and others less so - it's very important to not lose your momentum or focus if you've had a bad interview. Acknowledge what happened, debrief the experience and move forward - don't stop, obsess or engage in self-recrimination. Simply learn from the experience. This is not a positive or productive use of your time, energy and resources.


Video: Learning from the Hiring Manager's Perspective