Digital skills for collaborative OER development/Storyboarding/Storyboarding challenge tasks

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  1. Review the suggested storyboarding tools and choose one for publishing your own storyboard.
  2. Revisit your public course description and your design blueprint and choose the learning outcome(s) you would like to develop further for this storyboard challenge.
  3. Identify two learning pathways (topics or concepts) for developing your storyboard. Consider the following guidelines:
    • You are not required to develop the storyboard for a full course in this challenge (identify two learning pathways or topics which would equate to three to six notional learning hours in total for learners working through the materials).
    • Choose a "representative" topic for this storyboard challenge. For example, the course introduction would not be a good choice for this activity because you will be restricted in the range of learning materials and e-learning activities you could incorporate in your design.
    • Choose topics which would be suitable to incorporate a substantive assessment activity (formative or summative) in the storyboard.
  4. Remember to share your learning journey with our community by posting regularly on WEnotes below, OERu forums or Twitter and include the hash tag "ds4oer" where appropriate.