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Students are expected to arrive to class in time, with all necessary equipment. There is a warning bell at the end of interval and lunchtimes. Classes start at the second bell after interval and lunch time. Students are expected in their next period class as soon as possible after they have left their previous class.. (Punctuality of staff encourages students to be punctual).

If students are late to school with a note they go to the student office and issued with a pass. The teacher treats the student as present.

If the student is late to school and has no note for lateness, the teacher accepts the student, records as “Late”. The lateness is dealt with by the Attendance Bursar and a lunch time detention for that day is issued. For seniors a Principal’s detention is issued if the lunch time detention is not attended or three latenesses accrue. Juniors do a ‘U’ for lateness.

Lateness to class is another matter and should be acted upon by the individual teacher. Continual lateness becomes a matter of defiance. Once the teacher feels they have done everything in their power to rectify the problem and the student is still late, the appropriate dean should be approached.


Truancy flow.jpg