Work cooperatively using workgroup computer software

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Based on NZQA 5965

People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the use of workgroup computer software; and exchange messages, schedule events, participate in a conference, collaborate on documents, moderate communication, and manage documents with a group of people using workgroup computer software.

People attempting this unit should have prior knowledge and skills to operate a personal computer, use a word processor, and exchange messages using electronic mail, demonstrate and apply knowledge of a personal computer system; create documents and manage files for generic text and information management.

This unit is used in the following courses

Describe the use of workgroup computer software

  • The description outlines the steps to be followed, and justifies the tools selected to work cooperatively using workgroup computer software.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of workgroup computer software are outlined and compared to other environments.

Range: other environments may include but not limited to - standalone, client/server.

Exchange messages with a group of people using workgroup computer software

  • The origins of incoming messages are identified.

Range: sent directly, forwarded, broadcast, public notice.

  • The contents of incoming messages are displayed.

Range: message, attached document.

  • Messages are sent.

Range: private individual, broadcast, forward, public notice.

Schedule events with a group of people using workgroup computer software

  • Dates, times, and venues that are mutually acceptable to the group members involved are identified for an event.
  • The diaries of group members involved in a scheduled event are updated to indicate the date, time, and venue of the event.

Participate in a conference with a group of people using workgroup computer software

  • Group members are invited to participate in a conference.
  • Realtime communication is conducted with conference members.

Collaborate on documents with a group of people using workgroup computer software

  • Modifications and comments are made on a collaborative document.
  • Marks on a collaborative document indicate where modifications have been made.
  • A collaborative document is forwarded to other group members.

Moderate communications within a group of people using workgroup computer software

  • Communications within a moderated group are accepted or rejected according to the standards set for those communications.
  • The summary of communications within a moderated group outlines exceptions to the standards set for those communications.
  • The summary of communications within a moderated group describes the trends of those communications.

Manage documents shared by a group of people using workgroup computer software

  • File management techniques are demonstrated for workgroup documents.

Range: save, rename, copy, delete, locate directory(folder), display directory (folder) contents, locate file.

  • File access controls are demonstrated for workgroup documents.

Range: restrict access to sub-group, restrict access to read-only.

  • File transfer techniques are demonstrated for workgroup documents.

Range: send and receive - within the work group, from outside the work group.