Action research

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Action research is ideally suited to work-based learning because it is a way to explore and deal with practical issues occurring in the everyday social world.

It is a methodology that focuses on change and action to bring about improvements, and the monitoring of change. It uses collaborative approaches to change and the learning that occurs during change. Well designed action research projects have people and groups involved with different views, action research requires involvement and participative processes.

Action research methods are focused on helping identify and clarify the problem or need or challenge, to identify and implement the change needed to bring improvement and to evaluate the impact of the change on the original issue.

There are four key components of action research: planning, acting, observing and reflecting (McNiff, 2010).

Key is active participation of the person undertaking the inquiry and colleagues and peers and others with an interest. But not all problems are resolved by action research, often further questions arise and so the cycle goes on. Action research enables praxis, the development of practice through exploring the relationship of theory and practice. The evolution of your praxis understandings is at the heart of the Graduate Diploma you are undertaking.