Word processing/Shortcut keys

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Command shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts can be used instead of a mouse:

Altkey.png + Altkey.png : Close the active item if more than one is open or quit the active program

Ctrlkey.png while dragging an item : Copy selected item

Ctrlkey.png + a: Select all

Ctrlkey.png + b : Bold text

Ctrlkey.png + backspace : Delete a word to the left

Ctrlkey.png + c : Copy

Ctrlkey.png +  : Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph

Ctrlkey.png + Endkey.png : Go to the end of the document

Ctrlkey.png + Esckey.png : Display the Start menu

Ctrlkey.png + f : Opens the Find dialog box

Ctrlkey.png + F4key.png : Close the active document in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously

Ctrlkey.png + g : Go to page, section, line etc

Ctrlkey.png + h : Opens the Find and Replace dialog box

Ctrlkey.png + Homekey.png : Go to the beginning of the document

Ctrlkey.png +' j' : Justify text

Ctrlkey.png + k : Insert Hyperlink (a link to another electronic place)

Ctrlkey.png +  : Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word

Ctrlkey.png + m : Increase Indent

Ctrlkey.png + n : Open a new document

Ctrlkey.png + o : Opens the ‘open file’ dialog box

Ctrlkey.png + p : Print document

Ctrlkey.png +  : Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next word

Ctrlkey.png + s : Save document

Ctrlkey.png + Shiftkey.png + m : Decrease Indent

Ctrlkey.png + Shiftkey.png + t : Decrease Hanging Indent

Ctrlkey.png + Shiftkey.png  : Highlights (selects) text from the insertion point to the end of a paragraph

Ctrlkey.png + t : Increase Hanging Indent

Ctrlkey.png +  : Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph

Ctrlkey.png + v : Paste

Ctrlkey.png + x : Cut

Ctrlkey.png + z : Undo

Delkey.png  : Delete

Endkey.png  : Moves the insertion point to the end of the line

Esckey.png : Cancel the current task

F10key.png : Activate the ALT keys on the Tabs

F4key.png : Repeat Key – repeats the last action when in the Word program

F7key.png : Activates spelling and grammar facility

Shiftkey.png + F10key.png : Display the shortcut menu for the selected item

Shiftkey.png + F7key.png : Opens the Thesaurus

Homekey.png : Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the line

⇐ : Moves the insertion point one space to the left

⇒ : Moves the insertion point one space to the right

Formatting shortcuts

Try using these short cut key combinations when you are formatting text in a document.

Ctrlkey.png + F3 : Change the case of letters

Ctrlkey.png + Shiftkey.png + A : Format letters as all capitals

Ctrlkey.png + ] : Increase the font size by 1 point

Ctrlkey.png + [ : Decrease the font size by 1 point

Ctrlkey.png + Shiftkey.png + F : Change the font

Ctrlkey.png + D : Change the formatting – opens Format menu

Ctrlkey.png + 1 : Single line spacing

Ctrlkey.png + 2 : Double line spacing

Ctrlkey.png + 5 : Set 1.5 line spacing

Ctrlkey.png + 0 (zero) : Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph

Ctrlkey.png + E : Centre a paragraph or selected heading

Ctrlkey.png + L : Align a paragraph to the left margin

Ctrlkey.png + R : Align a paragraph to the right margin

Ctrlkey.png + Q : Remove paragraph formatting

Note: When you have finished with this section, you can use your browser's Back button to return to the page you were viewing.