Word processing/Editing functions

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The following functions are used when editing an existing document or text you have entered. The procedure column outlines the commands you will need to carry out in order to apply the editing feature.

Editing Function Procedure to use
Inserting Click the I-Beam cursor at the point to insert, and type in the text to be inserted.
Overtyping Double click OVR on the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen. Type text. Double click OVR to end overtyping or press Insert on the keyboard to begin overtyping, press Insert again to end overtyping.
New Paragraph Press the Enter key twice after the end of the previous text.
Join Paragraphs Place cursor at the end of the first paragraph and press Delete twice or place cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph and press Backspace twice. Press the Spacebar.
Delete to right of cursor Press the Delete key. (Ctrl + Delete deletes a word to the right).
Delete to left of cursor Press the Backspace key. (Ctrl + Backspace deletes a word to the left).
Delete a blank line Place the cursor on the blank line and press Delete.
Insert a blank line Place the cursor where you want the new line and press Enter.
Undo last action Click the Undo button or click the Edit menu then select Undo.
Redo last “Undo” Click the Redo button to redo the last “Undo” or click the Edit menu then select Redo.
Typing Replaces Selection Select (highlight) text and type in new text.
Transpose text (swap) Select the second part of the text to be swapped. Click the Edit menu, then click Cut. Click the cursor where you want the text to be placed. Click the Edit menu, then click Paste.