Frames & Thumbnails

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Icon key points.gif
Key points
The previous page demonstrated the simplest method for adding an image into a page but you may have noticed that the inserted image overwhelmed the rest of the page. In this subsection we cover some additional attributes, which you can add in the Image Properties dialog box, to:
  • align images,
  • put images in frames and add captions, and
  • automatically create thumbnails from your images to save space on the page.

Introducing the options

There are five options, located in the bottom portion of the Image Properties dialog box, for manipulating an image on the wiki page:

Image Properties dialog box with no file name entered.
  1. Caption displays the description typed in the text box under the published image.
  2. Special type provides options for how to display your image: thumbnail, framed or bordered.
  3. Align specifies where on the page the image should appear: right, left, or center.
  4. Width specifies the width at which the image is displayed on the page.
  5. Height specifies the height at which the image is displayed on the page.

None of the five options are required; an entry in Image file name is the only requirement. A common practice is to include an image with "thumbnail" specified in the Special Type field, along with some text entered in the Caption text box (without specifying a width or height). But sometimes the default thumbnail size is too small or distorts the image, and a larger size is preferable.

The following table summarises the different options and their effects on images. Practice activities for each of these are included below.

Image Attribute Options
Action Example
Special Type Thumbnail, Frame, Border, or leave blank

Displays an image with specific formatting (see the examples below).

Image properties special type.png

Align Right, Left, Center, or leave blank

Determines the placement of the image on the page. If left blank (and Special Type is also blank), image is displayed on the left.

Image properties align.png

Width {width}px or leave blank

Scales the image to the given width in pixels, while keeping its aspect ratio.

Image properties width 100 px.png

Height {height}px or leave blank

Scales the image to the given height in pixels while keeping its aspect ratio.

Image properties height 100 px.png

Caption Text box
Any text provided, including wikitext, will become the caption text.

Icon present.gif
Tip: At first this may appear confusing, but experiment with the options introduced above in your sandbox or on your User page. You will soon discover how this works.

Examples and activities

The purpose of the following activities is to demonstrate and experiment with different options to manipulate images on the page.

Here is an image inserted using just the Image file name:


Inserting a thumbnail image with a caption

Using the same image, if we select "Thumbnail" in the Special type menu, "Left" in the Align menu, and type "Creative Commons makes it flow." in the Caption text box in the Image Properties dialog box, the image displays as:

Creative Commons makes it flow.

Note that the default image size for a thumbnail is 180 pixels. Clicking on the image will take the user to the larger size.

Icon activity.jpg Activity
Insert a thumbnail image

Using the same image above (hover your mouse over the large version above to display the image file name for this image), go to your sandbox or your User page and insert the image with the following attributes:

  • Thumbnail image
  • To display in the centre of the page
  • With the caption: "This is my first thumbnail."

Note that in the Rich Editor, the image will display properly aligned in the edit window, but the caption will not be visible. Click Show preview to see the image properly specified.

Not sure what to specify?

Inserting an image with a frame

This is an image with the frame attribute:

Creative Commons makes it flow.

When you use the frame attribute, the embedded image is shown with its actual size enclosed by a frame, regardless of the "width" or "height" attribute, and the caption, if any, is visible in the frame. Without the options left or center, the image is displayed on the right.

Icon activity.jpg
Insert a framed image

Using the image you uploaded in the previous subsection, go to your Sandbox or your User page and insert the image with the following attributes:

  • Framed
  • Left aligned
  • With a caption describing your image

Changing the size of the image

To control the size of the image, use the width and height attributes to designate the desired width or height in pixels. Here is our example image resized to a width of 300 px and centered:


Icon present.gif
Tip: Sometimes when adding images you may not be happy with the layout because the image may 'float' over other text or headings you have in your wiki page. If you are having trouble with this, see the instructions on the Tips page later in this tutorial.

Icon activity.jpg Activity
Insert sized image

Part 1: Add the example image (above) to your Sandbox or your User page with the following attributes:

  • 350 pixels wide
  • right aligned
  • no caption

Your result should look like...

Part 2: Try adding some further image attributes to the image you previously uploaded and added into your User page or sandbox. Highlight the image and click the Insert/Edit Image button, to adjust the settings.

  • If the image is large add the Thumbnail attribute to shrink it down.
  • If the default thumbnail size is too small, increase the size using the Width or Height settings (to keep the aspect ratio, only one needs to be set).
  • Revise the text in the Caption to better explain the image.