Résumé: Nellie Deutsch
Resume: Nellie Deutsch |
My name is Nellie Deutsch. I am a Canadian citizen and experienced English teacher to speakers of other languages, an accredited PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) practitioner, Reiki practitioner, Alexander and Silva Method graduate, and have a Doctor of Education (EDD/CI) in educational leadership specializing in curriculum and instruction from the University of Phoenix online. I researched instructor experiences in implementing technology in blended learning courses in higher education. I am passionate about learning, facilitating online and offline classes, and writing articles (I am the editor of an online journal for TESOL).
Work Experience
Full Time
1976- - 34 years of teaching English to speakers of other languages in high schools (Ministry of Education), universities, and private companies.
Graduated from High School in Toronto, Canada, studied fully online at the University of Phoenix for my MAED/CT in education specializing in curriculum and technology from the University of Phoenix, and received a Doctor of Education in educational leadership specializing i curriculum and instruction (EDD/CI) from the University of Phoenix (with 3 face-to-face residencies in the USA).
Teacher Certificate
Teacher certificate for teaching English as a foreign language in high school.
MA in Education
MA in education, curriculum and technology (MAEDCT) from the University of Phoenix (2005). Action research project, ESL/EFL Students Lack the Skills to Cope with Reading Comprehension Tests
Doctor of Education (2006-2010)
Completed a four-year doctoral program on educational leadership specializing in curriculum and instruction at the University of Phoenix online (with 3 resindencies). Researched instructor experiences in implementing technology in blended learning courses in higher education. Interviewed instructors from 7 countries. The dissertation may be downloaded from ProQuest Library.
Certified Practitioner (Bar Ilan University) of PAIRS (Practical Applications of Intimate Relationship Skills) marriage and relationship coach and instructor. Volunteered workshops in two male prisons and at a community center for the elderly.
Etni Rag Online Journal
Editor of an online English teachers' journal called The Etni Rag
Computer literacy : website design and building, Word, FrontPage, Internet, online distance teaching and learning, collaborative literature projects, online writing learning material, forums, online test forms, and creating WebQuests. Reiki practitioner with experience in relaxation and visual imagery techniques Conducted workshops in effective communication (volunteered in two Israeli prisons, and a community center) A finalist at the Recanatti teacher innovator contest for 2006 http://www.teacher-award.com/Teachers/english_info.aspxand GSN teacher online collaboration award nomination: http://www.gsn.org/award/viewCandidates/viewCandidate.cfm?ID=124&backDisabled=1&NH=1. Conducted successful online collaborative international literature projects with a grade 10 (2005-2006) and a school from Montreal, Canada: http://www.nelliemuller.com/IOC.htm (my web development). A letter of appreciation was sent from the Ministry of Education after observing the class presentation. Collaborative learning project with grade 10 students from Israel and Italy (2006-2007): http://www.nelliemuller.com/building_relationship.htm And teacher training courses on integrating technology and creating WebQuests: http://www.integrating-technology.org
Writing research papers and creative writing, web site building and design: Integrating technology into the curriculum, creating WebQuests and online learning material, and Second Life and Sloodle. I am passionate about instruction and collaborative learning. Some of my web sites:
- Passionate about Learning (PaL)
- Nellie's English Projects
- Building Relationship
- IT4ALL Moodle Workshops
- Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning Global Exchange (IT4ALL GE)
- Connecting Online Conferences
- Wiki
- Moodle Moot
- Mahara
Presentations and Workshops
Public Presentations: English Teachers Association (ETAI) teacher training workshops and presentations on integrating technology into the ESL/EFL classroom and creating WebQuests and Action Research Projects (Summer of 2005, and winter of 2006) Leadership and empowerment, teamwork, online instruction and learning, effective communication (online and offline), personal development, reading instruction and community volunteer work on drug prevention programs, healthy living, effective communication, marriage enrichment, and facilitating workshops on how to create a positive attitude to life. Conducted volunteer workshops (PAIRS) in rehabilitation programs for prisoners and community centers.
- Poster Presentation atthe International Leader Association conference in Boston
Presented Online
- Presenting online (synchronously) at the first Canadian MoodleMoot in 2007 using Moodle and Elluminate First Canadian Moodlemoot
- Organized and moderated WiZiQ live at CO09, CO10, CO11 - February 6-8, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Guest speaker at a peace conference in Greece (2008)
- Guest speaker at Making the Most out of Social Web Tools to Create New Learning Cultures for Your 21st Century Classes for teachers in the Foundation Program of Qatar University, in February 2009.
- Public presentations at WiZiQ on Integrating Technology, Storytelling, and on the value of using Wikieducator for collaborative instruction and learning.
- Moodlemoot, Poland
- CRYSTE, 2010
Online Facilitation
- Professional Development workshops on Moodle for Teachers (M4T), WebQuests, Professional Electronic Portfolios, Blended Learning & Blended Online Learning, and integrating technology, Web. 2.0 and social networks into the classroom.
- Facilitated online courses at Knowplace: and SCoPE (Simon Fraser University)
- Learning for Content (L4C) on WikiEducator
- Learning English Online (LEO) and IT4ALL Talks on WiZiQ
Mentor and coach educators online on how to integrating technology for instruction and learning and engage learners.
Personal Interests
Long distance running, swimming and healthy living Art - drawing (majored in Art in High School) Mindfulness Practice
Testimonials from around the world