WikiEdProfessional eLearning Guidebook/Assessment, feedback, and e-moderation/Moderating online learning/E-mail list: one-to-many communication
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< WikiEdProfessional eLearning Guidebook | Assessment, feedback, and e-moderation | Moderating online learning
E-mail list: one-to-many communication
An e-mail list is an electronic mail facility that allows one-to-many communication via text-based email communication. Mailing lists are often used to support discussions or information exchanges on a certain subject among a group of people who are subscribed to that mailing list. Upon subscribing to the list, each subscriber gets every message that is submitted to the list. A common form of a mailing list is as a newsgroup. There are newsgroups on just about every subject you can think of. Some groups discuss only one subject, while others cover a number of different subjects.