Warrington School/Curriculum Planning/Room 1 Wiki Planning

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Te Taniwha, Kaitiaki o Okahau

Teaching Plan



Students will:

  • Learn about deep sea oil drilling off the coast of NZ
  • Understand the possible consequences of deep sea oil drilling on
    1. People and environment
    2. Climate change
    3. New Zealander's right to protest
  • Plan for a future based on clean energy
  • Be able to express an informed opinion based on their learning

NZ Curriculum Objectives:

Little Blue Penguin

Social Science - Level 3

  • Understand how groups make and implement rules and laws
    • Oil Free Otago, DCC, Chamber of Commerce, parliament re deep sea oil drilling
  • Understand how people view and use places differently
    • Tangata whenua, locals, visitors, council, government and corporations
      • Context of using our coastline
  • Understand how people make decisions about access to and use of resources
    • Tangata whenua, locals, visitors, council, government and corporations

Science - Level 3 Nature of Science - Participating and contributing

  • Students to use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.
    • Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions.
  • Ecology - explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.


View and respond

  • Prime Minister John Key talking about mineral exploration
    • Discuss what this means for NZ, Dunedin and for ourselves
  • Oil Free Otago - local perspective
  • Stopping at the end of each speaker to recap themes
  • Discuss where oil comes from and what it is needed for - historic/future
  • Types of oils - vegetable etc
  • Determine what individuals believe the aim of "Oil Free Otago" is
    • Brainstorm and partner activities - public transport, bicycles
    • Mix and mash simple but modern technology - electric bikes, dog drawn buggies
  • An eyewitness to the Gulf of Mexico disaster
  • Discuss content during viewing
  • Create a word bank in response to images and commentary
  • Select a word from list to write as a heading that captures the essence of the video

Identifying local flora and fauna

  • Linking students to their immediate surroundings
    • Take students on a bird spotting expedition
  • Create a local bird spotting guide
    • Aimed at children from 2+
    • Images are Creative Commons licenced then digitally altered via Gimp
  • Blueskin Bay Birds
  • NZ Science Hub Flight of the Godwit
    • What does the Godwit eat?
  • National Geographic - Ocean Acidification
    • How could ocean acidification effect the Godwit's food supply and its ability to migrate?

Environmental Action

  • Beach clean-up to allow for familiarisation of the coastal environment
  • Collecting rubbish and then sorting into categories:
  1. Washed up etc
  2. Plastic etc
  3. Potential hazard to animals, environment
  • Use of beach by ancestors - kai moana, seaweed storage bags, recreational etc
  • Viewing and discussing habitats of birds - dead and alive
  • Discuss range and food supply
  • Migration v permanent residents
  • Reasons for finding dead bird/s