VirtualMV/Research/Academic writing

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VmvIcon Objectives.png

By the end of this section you will be able to:

  • Understand what is meant by academic writing


  • How to Write a Great Research Paper – YouTube Professor Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research, gives a guest lecture on writing. Seven simple suggestions: don’t wait – write, identify your key idea, tell a story, nail your contributions, put related work at the end, put your readers first, listen to your readers.

VmvIcon References.png References

  1. Thompson, P. (n.d.) academic writing. [Web Log Post]. Retrieved from
  2. Mewburn,I. (2013, September 25) How to write faster. [Web Log Post]. Retrieved from
  3. Comer, D.E. (n.d.). How To Write A Dissertation or Bedtime Reading For People Who Do Not Have Time To Sleep. Retrieved from

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VirtualMV/Research/Academic writing. (2024). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from http:    (zotero)