User talk:Tunrayo

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
«no subject»104:10, 11 September 2009
Greetings!023:21, 10 September 2009

«no subject»

Hello Madam, I think you can add information on your visit to Ghana. How did the WEb2.0 workshop go?

Isaac (talk)04:04, 11 September 2009

Thanks sir, I'll do that. The training is really going on fine, apart from the fact that I miss my husband, I would have loved the training to go on for another month so I can enjoy the conducive environment here.

Tunrayo (talk)04:10, 11 September 2009


Hello Olowosegun Oluwatoyin Motunrayo,

Warm welcome to the WikiEducator family of Educators and Learners! Feel free to contact me at my talk page for MediaWiki learning helps.

Anil Prasad 10:21, 10 September 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)23:21, 10 September 2009