User talk:Seannn9

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Information019:12, 16 December 2010
Welcome!017:26, 20 July 2010
Reply to Wayne - Test discssion Thread - Day 9208:14, 29 April 2010


Hi Sean! I would like you to advise me about the most appropriate e-tools for developing free content on WikiEducator.

Best regards, Emmanuel Nalumenya.

Enalumenya (talk)19:12, 16 December 2010
Welcome to WikiEducator!
I'm your WikiNeighbour and I welcome you to our dynamic community of 80,797 WikiEducators.
I see you are starting your WE userpage! Enjoy the journey and work at your pace. I'm certain you will become a great WikiEducator. Congratulations!

If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know!

Also, join our live Wikieducator session going on this Wednesday! --Benjamin Stewart 04:30, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Bnleez (talk)17:25, 20 July 2010

Reply to Wayne - Test discssion Thread - Day 9

Hi Wayne, I am enjoyed the challenges that the training present each day to me there were and all the new stuff I learnt. Each day for the training I understand a little more the little was enough to help me develop an appreciate for the Wiki and concepts. Indeed it is a tremendous vision and invention for educator to use.

Seannn9 (talk)13:00, 7 August 2009

 Wikis are a great way to learn and collaborate!  --Teromakotero 17:12, 4 April 2010 (UTC)

Teromakotero (talk)06:12, 5 April 2010

yes that is true

Seannn9 (talk)08:14, 29 April 2010