User talk:Saneleh

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Welcome to Wiki023:28, 16 April 2013
Your Opinion023:16, 16 April 2013

Welcome to Wiki

Hi, Saneleh

Welcome to WikiEducator community. Here you will interact with other educators and learn from each other. Please do clean up your page and add more information about yourself and showcase your portfolios including your research papers, professional qualifications etc.

Wishing you well


Cebekhulu (talk)23:28, 16 April 2013

Your Opinion

Wanna know what's your opinion so far about the WikiEducator.

And I wanna know from you, what do think WikiEducator is ther to contribute in the society we live, and what can be archived by using it..

wishing you well!


Cebekhulu (talk)23:16, 16 April 2013