User talk:Rajirajendran

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
National and Transnational Curriculum Framework for WE001:05, 6 August 2008
Free and Open Source Software in Government020:45, 20 February 2008
Hello010:43, 24 January 2008

National and Transnational Curriculum Framework for WE

Dear Raji,

Leigh Blackall working with Otago Polytechnic in Educational Development has set up a page for discussions on WE framework of National and Transnational curriculum in the WikiEducator gorup on Google Groups. The discussions are very much interesing and constructive. All WE community members are warm welcome to make it a permanent venue for discussions on Curricula. The intermediate outputs on the discussions will be added/ linked to the Curriculum Project Node on WE

Warm regards Anil

Anil Prasad (talk)01:05, 6 August 2008

Free and Open Source Software in Government

Free and Open Source Software in e-Governance is an important policy of Government.

Rajirajendran (talk)20:45, 20 February 2008

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Mackiwg (talk)10:43, 24 January 2008