User talk:Pramodtripathi

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How OER will help in Open Learning system particularly in Open School


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
How OER will help in Open Learning system particularly in Open School101:36, 6 March 2012

How OER will help in Open Learning system particularly in Open School

Please provide your views

Pramodtripathi (talk)23:50, 5 March 2012

Pramodji I would request you to visit the page: for more information on the NIOS workshop held at Pune on OER and also give your inputs. You would also like to click on the link on INPUTS: How to develop OER on the same page. 

--PRAMOD KUMAR T.K. 12:36, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Pramodkumartk (talk)01:36, 6 March 2012