User talk:Panthema

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Greetings007:19, 3 August 2010
Hi005:43, 31 July 2010
Welcome!017:28, 20 July 2010

प्रिय हेमा आपका पेज देख कर अच्छा लगा | आपकी रूचि और परिश्रम सराहनीय हैं | हम सब सीख रहें है यही सत्य है | मैंने आपसे कहीं अधिक सीख पाती हूँ| :-) शुभ कामनाओं के साथ आपकी निशा

Nisha singh (talk)07:19, 3 August 2010

hi Hema Great to see your page taking shape. Do try putting images as i know you have a great collewction. regards --nisha :-) 16:43, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

Nisha singh (talk)05:43, 31 July 2010
Welcome to WikiEducator!
I'm your WikiNeighbour and I welcome you to our dynamic community of 80,797 WikiEducators.
I see you are starting your WE userpage! Enjoy the journey and work at your pace. I'm certain you will become a great WikiEducator. Congratulations!

If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know!

Also, join our live Wikieducator session going on this Wednesday! --Benjamin Stewart 04:30, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Bnleez (talk)17:28, 20 July 2010