User talk:Mfisiliu

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Welcome to WikiEducator!023:44, 13 August 2008
Greeting from Sisilia111:29, 13 August 2008

Welcome to WikiEducator!

I enjoyed reading How to make a Tongan Tapa.

I am a software engineer that helps take care of the WikiEducator software from here in Gisborne, New Zealand. I hope you find WikiEducator useful.

The Wikieducator Google Group mailing list can be really helpful in connecting with the rest of the WikiEducator community.


JimTittsler (talk)23:44, 13 August 2008

Greeting from Sisilia

Hi Mele

Fefe hake? Kou fie 'alu au ki he putu he taimi

Snealelei (talk)11:25, 13 August 2008

Hello from Mele (1)

Hi Sisilia,

'Oku ou sai pe. 'Alu koe ki he putu he 'oku ke fiemohea. Malo si'i tokoni'i 'a e valekua ko eni.

Bye with love.
Mfisiliu (talk)11:29, 13 August 2008