User talk:JimTittsler/Data

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Broken save function210:56, 15 September 2011

Broken save function

Hi Jim,

I was playing with the widget and something I did has broken the save button. I have reverted the widget back to your original but it still does not work. Apologies.

Kruhly (talk)10:30, 15 September 2011

Working again. Maybe some time delay for the changes to be actioned ...

Kruhly (talk)10:33, 15 September 2011

That is the major problem with putting Javascript into a Widget... it seems hard to force the recompilation of the underlying Smarty template. I've found it usually helps to ?action=purge the Widget page, but in at least one case there was additional caching going on somewhere.

JimTittsler (talk)10:56, 15 September 2011