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Lack of innovative material affects kid´s learning

Teachers use traditional or technological material  as a main tool for the class

  • the development of different kind of materials changed  during the last two decades.

Children´s perception about the material and classes encourage teachers to work harder.

  • student´s  interest is vital for the good development of a class.

Aspects to consider when teachers select the correct material for the students.

  • teachers select some material according to the stuednt´s age.
  • material gives the clue to know student´s needs.
  • Material is fundamental for your classes.



Bilingual Education, the Acquisition of English, and the Retention and Loss of Spanish”A bilingual education is a very interesting topic nowadays existthe importance of bilingual education has declined as the years since many immigrants (not necessarily Mexican) instead of learning English as a foreign language have acquired English as their native language regardless of their identity is lost. This brings us to the next question is it really important to have a bilingual education? Romo and Falbo (1996) reported from an investigation of 100 Latino high school students designated as being at risk for dropping out that "almost all students in our sample were comfortable speaking in English (conversational language) but at the same time, almost all students in our sample experienced a skills deficit in reading (academic language)".(As cited in krashen, 1998). This is why the importance of bilingual education as a whole.

Krashen, S. Bilingual Education, the Acquisition of English, and the Retention and Loss of Spanish California: University of Southern California.

Gayle's Preschool Rainbow - Activity Central "Where Early Childhood Teachers Find Ideas" This web page could be very helpful for my research because it has many activities tat could help students to practice more about their learning of a second language because the activities encourage children to recognize, verbalize and cope with their emotions. Preschool rainbow has many tips for the teacher like lesson plans, information about the English speaker´s culture for example it has information about Halloween, Thanks Giving, Saint Patrick etc… My research´s topic focuses on some strategies that teachers could use to teach a second language to primary children. It is important to mention that the use of good material is fundamental for a good education, and the teaching style of each teacher could get better through the practice and experience.

Gayle, J. (2009). Where Early Childhood Teachers Find Ideas. Retrieved from

Inglés para educación Primaria I really liked this site because besides being a great help for students, has information of general culture but English besides that blogs have extras so you can check reviews from other teachers to share information and also some experiences they have had and give advice on how to avoid those situations. This blog is intended to strengthen the knowledge that children have already learned in the classroom and why not help them acquire new knowledge. What I like most about this blog is trying to cover all aspects and cultural communication is a language.

Alicia, (2011) blog Inglés para educación Primaria. Retrieved from

NASA kid´s club This page is very detailed and even when it could help me just for the students to practice more the language and make it one of their favorite webpage instead of use it just for what they see in the classroom. NASA kid´s club gives us a series of activities that the teacher could implement in their classes besides, it is very interactive and calls the student´s attention and accomplish the main goal... that the students learn a second language.

Reading and telling stories Telling stories to children is an effective strategy to make that students learn a second language; it gives them all kind of vocabulary that they at the same time link with some images that the teacher shows and by consequence they learn the correct pronunciation, in other words, telling stories help students to improve the four main skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. Studies have demonstrated that kids learn in an unconscious way and that is why the activities that you make in your class help them to acquire the language. Students really do not think that they are learning when you are reading a story for them but it is the same because their brain will keep some information that they will use in a future.

Slattery, M. & Willis, J. (2001) reading and telling stories. In English for primary teachers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Should Foreign Language Learning Start Early? Is well known by the society and the latest researchers that children who begin a bilingual education at early ages tend to learn a little bit faster than an average adult. Just talking about learning a second language, children have greater advantage over the adult because it could be said that they learn English while they learn their mother tongue, in this case Spanish. You could say that children acquire both languages at the same time; one consequence is that the management of the Spanish and English is better than in adults.

Resnick, L. (2006) Implementing the Best Teaching Methods Vol. 4 issue 1.

task-based language learning. Task based learning classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning than form. TBL grows out the more general notion of communicative language teaching. In what concerns to the practices, task based learning has two main principles, the first one says that units of syllabus organization should be task which define what outcomes can be achieve through language instead of linguistic items. The second principle is that learning will be effective only if it is related closely to language use and involves relating form and meaning.

Willis, D. & Willis, J. (2001) task based language learning. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.) the Cambridge to teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

teaching strategies.Each teacher has his own way to teach but even when people are different the choices of teaching strategy they make are influenced by three mainly factors: the particular group of children, the subject matter to be learned and their own particular teaching style and preferences. The influence of the teacher in the children is huge, that is why if a students learn one thing in one way it is very difficult for the kids to learn in other way. All teachers make some use of books and materials in their work with children the use of the correct material can get better your class or worst to making materials you need to remember that the material must be motivating, the language must be appropriated for the group and it also need to match with the kid.

Dean, J. (1992) Organising learning in the primary school classroom. London: Routledge.

The relationship between symbolic play and executive function in young childrenThe symbolic play refers more to the ability to symbolize, the development of the creativity in this case for each kid, the creation of mental representations that will be very helpful for the students so they will produce something more complex in the future with the input that they already have. On the other hand the executive function is vital for the good development of the symbolic play because it involves all the cognitive aspects that the kid must to remember or follow in order to produce something for example if a person says to a child lets going to write a letter and if he says that always that he has a piece of paper and a pen the child creates a pattern and knowing that when he could write a letter or any kind of text he will need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil that is the executive function created by the child and with this the symbolic play will occur.

Kelly, R & Hammond, S. (2011) The relationship between symbolic play and executive function in young children Vol 36 No. 2.

You need at least 10 references.  The reference comes before the description and should be alphabetized by author's last name.


  • Word count 97 words and you need approximately 2,500.  Add the missing sections either today or tomorrow and send me an email so that I can provide feedback.  Work on your introduction, making sure that you state a problem in the first paragraph and that you include a thesis statement in your second paragraph that links to your problem.  The reasons section of your thesis statement will be your topics you cover in each of the three sections of your literature review.  Click here to see some helpful videos.  Link your conclusion to your thesis statement and summarize the main points that you've previously discussed. Remember not to include any new information in your conclusion. Also, discuss future implications and ideas for further research related to your topic.  --Bnleez 17:41, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
  • See Andriana's annotated bibliography as a guide: alphabetize references, only one double space between references, follow APA and make sure punctuation, italics, and spacing are correct. Remember that you need at least 10 references (3-3-4). --Bnleez 13:26, 19 October 2011 (UTC)