Classroom management is a tool that teachers can use to facilitate the process of acquiring a second language. When talking about classroom management the first thing that comes to our mind is rules, but besides discipline and rules classroom management is a set of elements that when are applied correctly will help students to learn better and teacher to facilitate this process. One important element regarding classroom management is motivation, if students feel attracted and engaged to the class then the discipline problems will decrease, we used to think that motivation is the teacher’s responsibility, and most of the time it is but also students’ attitude toward the language, according to Robinson and Nocon (1996) many language teachers falsely assume that their students come to their language lessons with a positive attitude towards the language and its culture, just because they are studying the language. Unfortunately, learning a foreign language can produce a negative attitude in some students (Nocon, 1991). This negative attitude can be the result of the teaching style, strategies and how teacher motivated them. Does motivation has a real impact regarding the second language acquisition? One of the main factors that we may think can facilitate second language acquisition is a sufficient amount of comprehensible target language input (Krashen, 1982, 1985); Krashen (1982, 1985) proposes comprehensible input be i+1, that is, the input must contain linguistic elements that are a little beyond the learner’s current level of proficiency, this theory motivates students too success regarding their leanrning, they have challenges which are not unreachable.
Nocon, H. (1991) Attitude and motivation of beginning students of Spanish at a border university. Unpublished Masters thesis. Sandiego State University, CA.
Krashen, S. (1985) The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications. London: Longman.
Diana Sofía Pacheco Vallín
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Classroom management is one of the most difficult problems to keep inside the classroom. Teacher has the responsibility to encourage students to learn a second language therefore if teacher know how to manage group management in order to facilitate the learning process. Classroom management is closely linked to motivation, discipline and respect. If students don’t have any motivation of learning a second language then they will not pay attention and will distract other students, so if they are all distracted and not interested teacher will have discipline problems and later on the classroom will never have an environment of respect. These issues have an impact on teacher performance and could be an important fact to doubt about the teacher’s abilities.
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