Formal biography: Wayne Mackintosh

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OER is a sustainable and renewable resource.
Join the OERu and help us make open education futures happen!

I am an open educator. I am open sourcing education through the OERu to widen access to more affordable education for all.

Contact-new.svg Wayne Mackintosh
Wayne Mackintosh Yale 2010.jpg
Website:OER Foundation  |  OERu  |  Mastodon
Employer:OER Foundation
Occupation:Director OER Foundation
Other roles:UNESCO Chair in OER
Nationality: (South Africa)
Country:New Zealand
Certificate blue.svg This user was certified a WikiArtisan by BrentSimpson.

Twitter logo.png Follow tweets from this user via @Mackiwg.

Hammer and spanner.svg This user is a Learning Designer who assists with the instructional design of free content projects.

Ubuntu logo copyleft 1.svg This user contributes using Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.
Globe 00000.png
This user is a WikiAmbassador
for WikiEducator.
This user is an elected member of the WikiEducator Community Council.

I Signed-OED.png   This user signed the
  Cape Town OED
L4C-small.png This user gifted considerable time and effort to facilitate eL4C41, a WikiEducator Gives Back workshop.
This user is a researcher of wikis and/or open educational resources.
Round Generic Award Ribbon.svg This user page has been featured at the User Page Expo!