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.. - regularly updated with lists of engineering resources including but not limited to news articles videos activities , information for teachers parents , stuff specifically directed to kids. This space is for other information about engineering 4 kids ~vt 2020.3.26

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Engineering4Kids - Introduction

Starting with Engineering as the center of the universe, all the other subjects are supporting players. Scientists discover things that engineers use to provide a solution to a social need.

  • Engineering thinking - making 'things' that work and making 'things' work better

An engineer is a clever, practical, problem solver.

  • Engineer - A person who uses scientific knowledge and principles to develop solutions to technical problems. The words engine, engineer and ingenious come from Latin, meaning "skilled".
  • What is Engineering? (video 6:20) - From fundamental research to everyday tech, engineers create incredible new solutions and discoveries to improve society and spur the imagination.
  • NASA video Intro to Engineering (video ) describes the engineering design process, building space suit and repairing space station as examples.
  • The Difference Between Science and Engineering (video 5:31) - both inquiry problem solving. goals: science - produce more knowledge, natural world vs. engineering - design solutions to problems, design challenge, human made technologies

external image blue-robot-th.png


a kid-friendly exploration of everything engineering as a collection of stories about people, places and things, design challenges, projects, games

  • stories - about objects, structures, stuff that is "engineered"
  • problems, engineering terms, keywords
  • engineering projects you can do
  • learn more - links to more information
  • explore - use the Search to find things or specific words

This is engineering ... structures theme, other stuff, examples

  • Statue of Liberty, Surface tension, Adjustable wrench, Moveable type, Golden Gate Bridge, Inclined Plane, Waterslides, Lever, Bridges, Solar energy, Aeronautics, Urban rooftop agriculture, Wind power, Photography, International Space Station, Vacuum flask
  • Ocean engineering - also Woods Hole, Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs), Underwater robots, Pressure, Marine research

engineering 4 kids

  • k-3 maker space * Top Five Maker Projects for the Beginning Maker Ed Teacher | woodshopcowboy Start Small! Towers of Power A great starting … More
  • salt, stairs, cucumbers… * Scientists Say: Salt | Science News for Students in chemistry, salt is a term used to describe a compound made … More
  • stories * Engineering 101~Pop-Up Book! – High Tech Middle Chula Vista In your own words, define what engineering is. What are the … More

...more engineering 4 kids news, updates, activities

Select a category to link to several pages about a topic

  • activities aeronautics automotive aviation biomedical careers chemical communications computers construction design dynamics electrical electronics energy eng101 engineering entertainment environment fluids games history innovation learning manufacturing materials mechanical mechanics moas nanotechnology new people resources robotics society sports structures sustainability teaching tools transportation universal water

Learn more...

  • About engineering4kids - the human-made world around us, creating things for the benefit of humanity and our planet.
  • Working in Engineering - Engineering is the application of science to the needs of humanity. This is accomplished through the application of knowledge, mathematics, and practical experience to the design of useful objects or processes. Professional practitioners of engineering are called engineers. Meet the engineers and see what they do.
  • e4k overview for teachers, parents

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Information about engineering for kids, their parents and educators. Engineering is the silent "E" in STEM. We want to show everyone that engineering is everywhere and the Engineering Design Process can be used to solve almost every problem.


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external image 165px-Adjustable_wrench2.svg.png
Wrench - a tool used to provide a mechanical advantage in applying torque to turn bolts, nuts or other hard-to-turn items.

  • open-end wrench - a one-piece wrench with a U-shaped opening that grips two opposite faces of the bolt or nut. This wrench is often double-ended, with a different-sized opening at each end.
  • box-end wrench - a one-piece wrench with an enclosed opening that grips the faces of the bolt or nut. The recess is generally a six-point or twelve-point opening for use with nuts or bolt heads with a hexagonal shape.

Adjustable wrench - an open-ended wrench with adjustable (usually smooth) jaws, also sometimes called by the original patent holder's brand name as a Crescent Wrench

  • Pipe wrench - an adjustable-end wrench with self-tightening properties and hard serrated jaws that securely grip soft iron pipe and pipe fittings.

Torque wrench - a socket wrench drive tool that measures the amount of rotational force applied to the socket—this may be indicated visually with a rod or dial or may simply slip when a set torque is exceeded. The torque wrench would also be categorized as a measuring tool.

gripping / clamping

What's the problem?

  • Ask - Wrenches are handy tools for lots of jobs. Bolts come in a wide variety of sizes. Open-end and box wrenches must fit the exact size of the bolt. Having a single tool to use in a variety of situations would be useful.
  • Imagine - An open-ended wrench in one size, can't be used on any other size of bolt. They have to fit exactly to grasp the bolt to get the leverage from applying force to the handle. How could an open-end wrench be modified to be adjustable? What part would move?
  • Design, Build - Being able to spread or contract the distance between the sides of the wrench would solve the problem. What mechanism could be used to adjust the moveable side of the new wrench design?
  • Improve - How has the adjustable wrench changed over time? How has it been improved?

That's engineering

  • screw - 1. A spiral path along a cylinder. 2. A fastening device. A screw is like an inclined plane wrapped up. It can take a rotating force and change it into a much larger straight-line force. 3. Used to make the adjustable wrench adjustable. Rotating the screw, connected to the movable side of the wrench makes the moveable side move in and out.

Engineering ideas

  • mechanical advantage, torque, nuts, bolts, rotational force, measurement

Do It
Challenges for you to work on...

  • design a mechanism for an adjustable wrench

News, updates

Learn more...

2018.2.15 * *