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2018.2.13 RataType - typing test - speed >= 25wpm, accuracy >= 70%

Kids need to have familiarity, speed accuracy so they will perform well on computerized standardized tests. * What skills, speed, accuracy are appropriate requirements on copy typing test? What are the transferable skills for answering critical thinking, analysis, ... questions with open-ended written response composed text answers?

"you have to want to learn to type, to succeed." The one advantage that a traditional classroom typing course has over all of these programs, is the watchful eye of a teacher, discouraging the tendency most beginners have to look at their hands and not the screen or paper.

most children who do not have coordination problems need at least 25 hours of instruction and practice to learn to touch type: children with DCD may need even more. It is best to do this in short (15-20) minutes sessions that are scheduled frequently (3-4 times/week).

Play, Practice and Compete with Others Online Competing with others makes you better as you are driven by a force of competition to do better than others and march to victory, and who doesn’t like to win?. There are a lot of good online games and communities where you can practice and play with others. Register on those sites and start typing!. Your scores are recorded, ranks are shown and WPM per match is shown at the end of the watch. * Practice typing for 20-30 minutes daily. * Teaches Typing requires Flash * typeracer global typing competition Increase your typing speed while racing against others also practice mode * 10fastfinger good practice but ads may not be suitable for kids

perform a lot better when the content I am practicing with is of my interest. Then I collected ten articles of my interest and stared with them. ... I was improving much faster than my expectations. * suggestions - wikipedia articles * finger Memorization plays an important role to increase your speed.* less backspace - wastes a lot of time * 2 hours every day for a month and improved from 12-15 WPM to 46 WPM (adult)

Have the kid who did the best / fastest / most helpful good typist in the class coach a kid who still isn't done. Just watching, it looks like the kids are struggling because they aren't working the software - how to recover from mistakes, ways to figure out where the keys after you look away at the screen, ... Do any of these kids have vision problems - can't easily read the letters on the keys? Need better lighting? Do they have problems transitioning between looking at the screen and looking at the keyboard - figuring out where they are on the screen? How are these kids at reading a whole sentence or a phrase and remembering that to type as a batch? Is that what the fastest kids were doing? Did any of the other kids actually know how to touch type? Did any of the kids use some combination of tough typing and hunt and peck? * Can you get these kids to come in everyday for 15 minutes? During lunch? Practice with the keyboard learning practice program for 10 minutes, then do the typing test for 5?

There is no escape from the need to learn the locations of individual keys or the need to increase speed and accuracy through repetition and drill.

The average typing speed in the world is around 40 wpm Another way to boost your typing speed is just to type a whole lot. Type your favorite book from beginning to end for practice. You don’t learn the proper use of the keys this way, but you can double or even triple your speed.

Don't look down at the keyboard. It will waste time, and you may lose track of where you left off. Plus, in some test situations you are not allowed to look down at the keyboard, so you should memorize where the keys are as fast as possible. Relax.

open-ended written response short answer and extended answer items. A critical moderating variable is the student’s typing speed. Those students with what are deemed to be moderate to fast typing speeds will score higher on the computer in a writing test. But students with low typing speeds will score worse on the computer.

Big idea : Get kids familiar with standard keyboard. Practice finding and typing letters. Practice hand placement. Introduce touch typing - rows, fingers. Practice for speed, accuracy. Demonstrate target speed and accuracy on standard copy tying test.

How :

2017.11 * In order to fulfill the typing requirements ? says who ? who set requirement level * grades k-? game * grades ? learning, practice * test copy typing speed, accuracy * Rata Type - typing test - speed >= 25wpm, accuracy >= 70%

Learn more...

  • copy typing or composition typing - wpm, difficulty of copy to type
  • focus on composition looking at screen?
  • effectiveness of typing class - starting benchmark, track lessons, progress * weekly, daily
  • outside of typing class - other subjects - time composing typing
  • explicit practice - home, games, reinforcement, review

try this...

  • four week course, 20 sessions of 30 minutes each, fifth and sixth graders achieved typing rates of about 12 wpm

student learning outcomes

  • typing target 20-25wpm % accuracy * money state requirement - exact requirements, how measured * baseline pre instruction familiarization practice * wpm composing vs copying * wpm keyboarding vs hand writing * rate of improvement - frequency of practice - weekly vs daily * use beyond practice period * 20-30 hours initial instruction, 2-3 hours during week, weekly review practice * best use of instructional minutes * type from 7 to 10 wpm were able to make adequate use of the computer for word processing. * Q: compose without looking * kids hate typing classes - big turn off for "technology"

  • baseline tracking student goals

  • Teaching Keyboarding: More Than Just Typing So how young is too young? "In our district, keyboarding skills are taught in the middle school in fifth and sixth grade as part of the computer rotation," where technology facilitator Jenn Marie told Education World. "Formal keyboarding is not taught in the elementary building. Instead, the children use computers and various productivity programs, and in their use of these programs, from first grade on, the hunt-and-peck method is used. * By middle school, the children have the pinkie reach needed." * "I set a goal of three words per minute for third graders and around seven for fourth and fifth graders," said Patterson. "I lower it or raise it depending on the success of the individual student. "My emphasis is not on speed," added Patterson. "I don't want to frustrate students by raising the speed beyond what they can manage, forcing them to have to look at the keys in order to be successful." "If you put pressures on students at this age to attain speed and accuracy, I think you will be doing kids a big disservice,

  • (1989) * type from 7 to 10 wpm were able to make adequate use of the computer for word processing. * fifth graders could be taught to touch type 22 wpm with a nine-weeks of daily instruction for 45 minutes, and fifth and sixth graders could achieve 40 wpm by spending one hour daily for a full year. * After a four week course, 20 sessions of 30 minutes each, fifth and sixth graders achieved typing rates of about 12 wpm. Stoecker's program consists of student and teacher materials for use with any word processor. He has found that elementary school classroom teachers can learn to use this approach through a one day long training workshop. * unless students have significant amounts of ongoing typing or word processing activity, touch typing instruction is a waste of time because skills will deteriorate rapidly. * Graves (1983) has determined that five and six year old beginning writers compose at a painstakingly slow pace of 1.5 words per minute. At that rate, writing down a six word sentence can take up to nine minutes. Even five and six year olds who are unfamiliar with keyboards can compose more quickly and easily on computers than by hand (Wetzel, 1985). Graves has remarked that "one can imagine starting kids off writing on keyboards and save handwriting until motor skills are more highly refined." * the main advantage of touch typing is in copying. Copying is important for Industrial Age clerks and typists to transcribe business documents, but it is irrelevant to writers using word processing to compose and edit.

  • https://www.rata * tests copy typing * example 16wpm 97.5% difficult passage, caps, quotes . 20.8wpm 99% easier, sentences, dates, numbers . 24.2wpm 99.7% easier, sentences * composing ?? * Q: range of tests results for kids who do not meet requirement

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