From WikiEducator
- Hey, Siri
- voice recognition
- voice commands
- synthesized speech
- audio notes
- speech to text
- dictation - practice writing from spoken
- text to speech
- listening
- speaking - presenting, dialog
- communication
- collaboration
- learning styles
- content, instructions, information
- questioning
- critical thinking
- assessment
- feedback
- evaluation
- literacies
- social
- just audio
- verbal - talking, singing
- multimedia including audio - images. video, animation
- non-verbal - sounds, music, noise
- teaching
- learning
- mobile
- apps
- location
- privacy
- any time, any where
- tutoring
- feedback
- followup
- web - connectivity, access
- cost
- messaging
- notification
- reminders
- phone
- voicemail
- spoken response
- recording, editing
- curriculum - subject, grade level
- create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understand, remember
- learning literacies - find, use, protect, share, solve, make
- physiology
- psychology
- physics
- technologies
- teaching / learning - theory
- research
- wiki
- blog
- YouTube / podcast - interview, discussion
- curation - pinterest, diigo, lists > wiki, blog
- lessons, teach resources
- reviews
- research, papers, articles
- mooc
- rubrics, criteria
- speaking, presenting - conference
- professional development