User:Vtaylor/Willard/CIS 89A HTML and CSS/Summary 1

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Summary 1. Getting Started

Welcome everyone!

Great start to the class. Thanks to all for your introductions. Nice to meet you and to learn about your interest in this course.

Summary 1. Introductions

Welcome everyone!

Great start to the class. Thanks to all for your introductions. Nice to meet you and to learn about your interest in this course.

The discussion format and no textbook are different from on-campus or most online courses. Using online articles allows us to look at technology “history” as it happens.


The first week of the semester is always exciting and interesting as we get started. Many of you are new to online learning and to the Canvas course management system. For those who have used Canvas in the past, we may be using some some of the features in a new way. The Canvas Orientation provides a good introduction and refresher of the many features available in Canvas.

Communication and collaboration are important in this course. Everyone in the class is a contributor. With 20+ contributors highlighting news and information on a broad range of topics, we are able to have a great view of progress and the impact on society in general. Personal experiences add relevance.

We learn through sharing as well as doing. There is a lot to cover, so let's get started.

Canvas - Some helpful features include your Dashboard, Messages / Mailbox, and lists of all the graded and ungraded Discussions and Assignments. Most of the discussions are graded so these are considered as assignments too.

Calendar - Usually only one activity per module is listed with the due date for the module. ALL activities in the Assignments for that module are due at that time! You can add your own items to the calendar. Make this your own study plan organizer.

Modules - There is a link to the Modules outline in the left navigation menu. There are links to the activities for each of the modules. There is a green circle and check mark for each activity as you complete them. Have you completed all the activities? You can see for yourself.

Grades - in the left navigation menu, there is a link to Grades. You can check your grades at any time yourself.

Late work - Late work is usually accepted for partial credit. I accept late assignments, because you will learn something even if you don’t get full credit for the work. Any time you know in advance that you will not be able to complete assignments, please let me know and we can work out a completion plan for you.

Privacy is a big concern for many. We will be looking at this in depth. By learning to be careful, you will understand that you can be active online and make a contribution to this important global resource.

Coming up... - The next module is outlined on the course Front page.

Questions, suggestions - Many of your questions about computers and the internet in society will be topics for modules throughout the course. If you are interested, you can look ahead. Everything is available to work on now.

If you have questions, please ask.

Suggestions for additions and changes to the course are welcome. Keeping the material current and interesting are important and your help is appreciated. Be sure to take time to review the contributions of others in the class and share your learning.

Here are some questions and comments that have come up.

  • I wonder ... The module is about introductions - computers and society, online learning and the Canvas course management system, and class introductions. As you think back through the activities and discussions, did you have questions that were not answered? Could you find the answers yourself? Do you have a particular interest in a topic that came up? The "I wonder" reflection question is a good way to review what we just covered and think about what else you might want to know about this topic. This is also an important study skill.
  • Inner Heroes survey * Helper . 3 respondents. 18 % * Thinker . 5 respondents. 29 % * Doer . 4 respondents . 24 % * Planner . 5 respondents . 29 % * In the previous course management system, everyone could see the results but this is not an option in Canvas as far as I can tell. The site requires registration and past students have had issues with that as a requirement as well as questioned the relevance and validity of the survey. As an ice-breaker activity for people to meet in class and as a personal awareness thinking thing, it is kinda fun. Not required. If you are interested in sharing, ass your type to your Introduction.
  • Learning literacies - Throughout the course we will be looking at learning literacies which include time management, prioritization and decision making. These are important life skills as well as necessary for being a successful student. Hope they help.

Coming up...

Module 2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech - These are important to all technology users. We think of privacy primarily with respect to the internet and online communications. However, as we have seen in the module, we need to think more broadly as many other technologies can impact our privacy and freedom of speech. We will explore these later in the course.

Coding projects, html and css

New project for each module - The coding projects are practice. Start from the very beginning again for each project. Focus on the elements and attributes highlighted in the module. Practice the basics - head, meta, comments for each project. The grading rubric provided for each module is also a guide to remind you of the important features that are to be included in your project code. Most of the requirements should be visible on the display of your project. Just including the attributes in your code doesn't count if there is no visible effect in the display.

html and css - This web development course requires both knowledge and skill in html and css. Be sure to nclude css code for styling as well as html code for content.

Source code - The best way to really learn professional web development techniques is by viewing the source code and figuring out "how did they do that?" Some coll stuff is done with programming or JavaScript which are beyond the scope of this course - DeAnza offers these course. As we saw in the Zen Garden, amazing results can be accomplished with Cascading Style Sheets (css) code.

Reuse, remix source code - It is ok to look at any source code. It is ok to copy "some" of it and make it your own. It is NOT ok to copy complete work and call it your own. Web development tools like Dreamweaver will create code but you won't learn anything much about html and css and you won't learn much about the tools.

Glitch - This course is intended for you to learn html and css coding knowledge and skills. You need to learn the basics by actually writing the code yourself. Yes, you will make some mistakes that you will figure out how to correct. That's the whole point. Glitch is a nice learning environment - quick and easy to get started. Glitch supports most of the web development skills we cover in the course.

Voyager - DeAnza provides access to a network server for use in CIS courses. Web developers must work with web hosts to upload and maintain content and source code in the appropriate web-accessible directories on the host server. We will use Voyager as our host to practice file transfers. More about Voyager later.

Other editors, other servers - If you are familiar with other basic programming development environments, you can use them rather than Glitch. Code must de developed with a simple text editor, saved as text files with .html and .css extensions, and uploaded to a web-accessible directory on a network server. Submit your coding project as the web address of the main html page for the coding project. The html code must include a link to your .css file.

Be sure to take time to appreciate the work of others in the class and share your learning.

Coming up... Module 2.