CIS89A - 11. Individual Projects
Individual Project
- Now take everything you have learned about HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and web development, and put it all together. For the Project assignment, you decide how much you know and how you can show that to the rest of us in the class. These are individual web developer portfolios.
Learning outcomes
- develop a prototype for a multi-page web site to demonstrate your knowledge of HTML5 and CSS
- prepare the page details for the site
- test the site with multiple browsers
- planning, visitor experience, accessibility
Reading guide
- What are the characteristics of a good web site?
- What should be considered when trying to maximize the accessibility of the site?
- How can the site designer increase the search rating?
Now take everything you have learned about HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and web development, and put it all together. For your Project assignment, you decide how much you know and how you can show that.
Create a web site with 3-5 pages. Start with your web site plan that you created in the previous module. These are individual projects - you submit your own work.
Collaboration - You work individually on your project and collaborate with other students, sharing your work, asking and answering questions, ... Working together in a group is more interesting and produces better results.
For your project, create a new coding project.
- Project - Use the appropriate HTML5 and Cascading Style Sheet elements and tags to demonstrate the layout, content look and feel, and navigation for your web site. Consider the overall objective and visitors' needs. The project is a web site with 3-5 pages. Demonstrate site navigation. While it is important to demonstrate the elements and tags within your page, the final result must be attractive, functional, and accessible.
Save your code. If you are hosting your project on Voyager or on a hosting service, use the URL for your project. - Submit the full name of your project, and the URL for the project to the Project assignment.
- Complete the Project group feedback quiz to review the process you and your group followed. What did you learn about working in a group? Is your individual project better because you were working with this group? How did you each do on the pillars of group work: teamwork, competence, dependability, work ethic and communication skills? Do you have any suggestions for improving the group work for this course?
- In the Project groups discussion, post 2-3 sentences about group work in other courses or in your work or community.
- Prepare for 12. Peer review - post a link to your project and any comments or questions about the project to the Peer reviews discussion in module 12. Peer review. Include the word PROJECT and your name in the first line of your post. See assignment 12. for further information
- Book review - The textbook for this course is changing to HTML5 and CSS3 4th Edition by Anne Boehm and Zah Ruvalcaba. Review the information about the textbook at the publisher's site. What do you think? How does this compare with the Willard book we used this semester? The new book is more expensive - would that be an issue for you? Do you think the new book will be as good or better than the Willard book? Why or why not? Post your review to New HTML5 and CSS3 Textbook Review discussion.
- Learning Literacies revisited - Complete the Learning Literacies questionnaire - this one covers the specifics of each of the Learning Literacies. Which specific topics were most useful to you? Do we need to improve some literacies media selections and activities?
Project rubric
Your project should represent a site with 3-5 pages.
Your project will be graded on your appropriate inclusion of all the web development topics covered in the course. Does the project code include a correctly coded example of each major HTML and CSS elements, attributes and properties? This will also include the general design and usability of your CSS and HTML source code.
- CSS - attributes, application, code formatting
- head, body, meta, title, comments
- text, links - font, size, color
- images - alt
- media - display, play
- lists, table
- form
- excellence - design, usability, originality
Points for Excellence - in addition to demonstrating your understanding and application of CSS and HTML to your source code, there are additional points for showing that you are working beyond the basic coding as reflected in the site's visitor experience. These points will be awarded for design, usability, originality, ...
- Wendy Willard - Troubleshooting
- Web Literacies - Exploring, Building, Connecting
- Code Academy - HTML, CSS - interactive tutorial that covers all the basics
- Learning CSS - Prezi overview of major components of CSS with detailed explanations for individual lines of code. Good summary.
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