User:Vtaylor/That's interesting..
From WikiEducator
- summer - kids interests support learning * first orlando * moas
- support for teachers youth leaders * wagggs * bst teachers
- ilearn - learner-centered, reflection, purpose-driven, goal-oriented * stories * iLearning curiosity personalized * collaboration * guided
- PLN professional learning individual community network * spiral of inquiry - what kids need > do what you can > learn more > results in improvement >
- WAGGGS glxdev collaboration leadership girls
- e4k Engineering * SWE Next * MOAS * US FIRST Orlando
- Questions - Formal training
- Steam * Tech lab * collaborate * support teachers
- K-8 lectric library book * Lectric Library * curiosity curation collection * yours to discover
2017.5.28 * stories ilearn * steam / tech / art collaboration * support for teachers * using keyboards cf typing - lots of writing, not typing practice
2017.5.25 - book for me - document research progress global learning with wagggs partners burns steam
- Personalized learning * personalized professional learning community of practice learning community
- keyboarding
2017.5.24 - A couple of thoughts - things that I would be interested to know more
about and how much difference does it make for kids and the teacher
- Genius Hour / Passion project - kids have to determine what they really care about. Most people struggle with this including kids in Dana's careers classes that I have attended. I am less interested in the actual project. Most of the information about the actual process of the first steps seems to be "You'll know it when you see it". What is it that kids really care about? How to they figure that out? How can that be encouraged and supported?
- formal training on asking questions. Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions * * * - Educator resources
- kids know what grade they can get on a unit because they see in advance what is required for A, B, C - friend at Creekside did this for 7th grade Science. Pre-test, several tasks / activities starting with C. Do more, higher level activities for B the eligible to do A activities. Post-test. Kids who did well in the pre-test started with higher level activities. I think there was some choice at each level but some work was required. I thought this was great but she said it was a lot of work for here. Getting set up would be, but I thought it would be more interesting than whole group instruction for her as well as for the kids. But I'm not a middle school classroom teacher, :o)
- Innovators mindset is trendy. Picking any one of these to improve "practice" would be interesting.