User:Vtaylor/TSLR Course outline

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DeAnza College

I. Catalog information

CAOS 198Y .. Technology Supported Learning and Retention .. 2 Units

May be taken up to three times for credit

Pass - No Pass (P-NP) course

Four hours lecture-laboratory

Advisories: English Writing 200 and Reading 200 (or Language Arts 200), or English as a Second Language 261, 262 and 263.

Developing effectiveness in instructional situations and understanding the complex challenges of supporting learning with technology. Adapting good practices in undergraduate education to build technology-supported learning activities to promote mastery of learning objectives.

II. Course Objectives

A. Discuss how technology can be used to encourage student-faculty contact.
B. Describe activities that encourage cooperation among students.
C. Apply technologies that encourage active/engaged learning.
D. Discuss techniques to give prompt feedback.
E. Show how to use technology to emphasize time on task.
F. Demonstrate using appropriate technology to communicate high expectations.
G. Explain the ways to respect diverse talents and ways of learning with technology.
H. Explain the applicability of technology supported learning to the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.

III. Essential Student Materials


IV. Essential College Facilities

Online course management system

V. Expanded Description: Content and Form

A. Encourage student-faculty contact
1. Participate in several forms of technology enhanced student-faculty contact.
2. Discuss applicability of technology to traditional expectations for student-faculty contact and identify differences.
3. Suggest new learning activities.

B. Encourage cooperation among students
1. Participate in activities as students that require cooperation.
2. Assess the challenges and benefits of technology in student cooperation.
3. Discuss the role of group projects learning in higher education.
4. Use choices and surveys for group selection work on group projects, small group discussions, introduction to the wiki for collaborative writing.
5. Discuss peer review process and applicability.

C. Encourage active/engaged learning
1. Review strategies for including active and engaged learning in instruction.
2. Discuss problem-based learning in higher education.
3. Create an activity that requires new approach to instruction of curriculum content and add activity to own course.
4. Discuss assessing student performance.

D. Give prompt feedback
1. Review issues of plagiarism, intellectual property, cheating.
2. Investigate tools for assessing student learning.
3. Complete quizzes and develop quiz questions and quizzes in own course.
4. Complete assignments with feedback and add activity with feedback to own course.
5. Discuss appropriate level of control and feedback response for learning being assessed.

E. Emphasize time on task
1. Review types of media.
2. Discuss use of media in course work.
3. Access media types.
4. Locate and include media appropriate for own course.
5. Explore other activity types and suggest suitability - books, workshop, etc.
6. Discuss accessibility issues, adaptive and resistive technologies.

F. Communicate high expectations
1. Review communication tools.
2. Understand grading options and displays.
3. Review tracking features.
4. Discuss student expectations and instructor's role in setting course expectations.
5. Participate in communication activities - asynchronous and real-time.
6. Explore grading options and setting in own course.
7. Discuss evaluating student participation and performance.

G. Respect diverse talents and ways of learning
1. Review learning styles, learning modality, cultural differences.
2. Discuss impact of technology and learning styles.
3. Plan and add activities to own course to address learning modality differences.
4. Discuss implications for student / instructor learning style differences.

H. Apply technology supported learning to the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
1. Participate in several forms of technology supported learning activities.
2. Suggest new learning activities.

VI. Assignments

A. Reading
1. Required reading from course notes
2. Reading from selected online resources
B. Computer activities
1. Problems solving activities using appropriate technologies
2. Interactive discussions to develop critical thinking skills

VII. Methods of Instruction

A. Individual problem solving and reflection
B. Online discussion
C. Formal exercises to provide student perspective

VIII. Methods of Evaluating Objectives

A. Student will complete objective quizzes and tests with a minimum of 70% accuracy.
B. Student must satisfactorily complete problem-solving activities using the computer.
C. Student must score at least 70% on all technology-supported learning activities.
D. Student must score at least 70% on all discussion participation assessments.

IX. Texts and Supporting References

A. Required textbook
B. References
C. Internet topics on Teaching, Learning and Technology